Next step up from the phantom?

Nov 24, 2013
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Hi everyone... this is my first post here.

I think the phantom is great apart from the flyaways, but the phantom 2 really locks you into DJI's product and doesn't leave much room for improvement, also I find the phantom a bit small. :p

So with that in mind, I was wondering what you all would look for if you were to go the next step up from the DJI Phantom? What kind of specifications or features would you want to see - both hardware and software? Also what would you use it for?
Next items on my "wish list"...first would be an easy software fix, I should think, and that would be the addition of "Bracketing Exposures" for the Vision camera. That would allow me to easily shoot photos using "HDR"...High Dynamic Range".

Past that, I'd like to see the ability to mount other cameras on the Vision...or to have some lens options for the current camera. The "fish-eye" might be best for those interested mainly in flying about...but, for those of us who want more photographic options, a zoom lens would be great....and not add much weight either.
What do you guys think of Ardupilot base Multirotors? Perhaps they will be a bit more flexable?
I'm a noob with P2V, but from my limited reading it seems that P2V still offers the best battery life & features (fpv, osd, app-controlled camera) for the price. My upgrade would be: 3-axis gimbal, ezuhf-like system for long range tx and high gain wifi antenna for the video feed.

(While waiting for gopro to come out with their own long range repeater and app)
Hazel1919 said:
What do you guys think of Ardupilot base Multirotors? Perhaps they will be a bit more flexable?

I've been running a Y6 and a quad from 3D Robotics. It's very versatile, but it is definitely a step up. It takes a bit more to figure out than the NAZA, but you can run 100 waypoints, follow me mode, and I'm about to try out a swarm and mesh setup.

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