Newbie Queston about Failsafe Mode

Oct 21, 2014
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What happens when the PV2+ failsafe mode is activated? Specifically, does the PV2+ gain altitude before heading home? If it does then how high? I’m concerned the PV2+ might hit an obstacle on the way back to home position.
I read the manual. Perhaps I'm blind but I didn't see the answer to this question. What page is it on?
Yes .. when RTH is triggered the Phantom will climb to home altitude plus 20 metres and return home at that height.
If you are flying where there are obstacles in the RTH path, you should reset home point up in the air above you at a height that would allow for RTH clear of obstacles.
drifter said:
What happens when the PV2+ failsafe mode is activated? Specifically, does the PV2+ gain altitude before heading home? If it does then how high? I’m concerned the PV2+ might hit an obstacle on the way back to home position.

If the bird is below 20m, it will climb to 20m, then turn towards & return to the Home Point. If the bird is at or above 20m, it will maintain that height and turn towards & return to the Home Point.

My advice if you think you might hit something during an RTH event is to stay higher than the tallest object between you and the aircraft. This is easily determined by simply tilting the camera all the way up and scanning the horizon. If objects are below the horizon, you are OK. If objects are above the horizon, you need more altitude.

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