New user curious about best FPV options

Jul 12, 2014
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Hello, new to the board. I have a DJI Phantom 2 Vision + arriving next week. My dilemma is I don't own a cell phone. My hope is I can pick one up on ebay and the Phantom will work with the wifi on the phone even though I won't have any cell service. From the reading I've done I think I am correct but not certain. I figured there would be people here who can tell me if I am right. Also possibly steer my in the direction of the one that would work the best. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the response DB. I have a older itouch and I had read that it works with certain "generations" and I found out mine is too old. When I looked into some customer reviews it appeared people had trouble with losing video while flying. So I figured I would stay away from buying another. I beleive this will be my FPV solution unless I hear from anyone that it's a bad choice. ... 1423.l2649 Thanks again for the help. The big reason I'm going with the DJI package I ordered is it seems to require the least amount of assembly. Being completely new to the quadcopter world I'm looking for professional results along with a somewhat simple learning curve.
i would buy a used 7 " tablet with wifi and use that.

i bought a used nexxus 7" tablet on ebay for $100 based on advice from others. i also bought a $10 velcro sun shade for it also on ebay. now, when i also SIT IN THE SHADE OF A TREE, and use that sunshade. also, i have kickass FPV.

some one else posted that the samsung AMOLED tablets have such bright led screens that even in full sunlight they work without shades. price tag is near $400 too high for me as a newbie pilot maybe there will be used ones in another year.
Thanks for the info, I might try this on down the road when I am comfortable with everything. I did find a good video on mounting the Nexus on youtube.

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