My Phantom 2 hits invisible wall!!

Sep 13, 2014
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Greetings! :)
My Dji Phantom 2 randomly hits an invisible wall at different locations. When I go to ATTI mode I can fly through it!

I usually have 8 or more sats when it happens,
my firmware is the latest,
my distance limit is set to 300m and
there is no airport, prison, royal palaces or anything like it nearby!

Does anybody know whats going on? :shock:


Here is a quick video:
Are you sure the distance is set to 300 meters and not 30 mtrs!?
It is strange! And its even more strange if I am the only one who has experienced this! Google usually finds people in the same boat as you, but not this time it seems:-( thankyou though
It could be that you have perimeters set in the naza software. With some upgrades, it sets limits for you. Go into software and set limits to 100,000 meters. It could also be that you are close to a restricted zone.
Can it still be a limit issue when it happens at both long and short distances? Im sure Im not in a restricted area..
I will set my limits at 100.000 and see what happens. Thank you!...
i have a spot near my house about 200m away that I call the wall or the anomaly. when it hits the invisible wall I have to wiggle around it and either go over it or under it. other times I just have to poke at it and ram threw it. What ever the heck it is. Only happens at one spot and it seems thin like its a band. Because i only hit it if right at about a certain height. The only logical explanation I can think of. about were the spot is there is a microwave communication tower about a mile away that is pointing to another one up on a hill a few miles the other direction and the wall anomaly seems to be right in a straight line between the two spots. So I'm assuming its some how getting interference as it flys threw the single that is beaming between the 2 towers. luckily it dont seem to cause any more of a problem then havering to go around it or poke threw it any time I hit it but it is sort of funny to see it happen when it does. Even when others have been standing near me and watching me fly and it hits the band they notice that some thing weird happens and say what the heck was that.

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