My first flight

Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
Roseville, CA
well I just did my first flight and went into a big park area and I am amazed! I cannot even put into words on how big of a smile I have on my face. This thing is hands down, amazing! One thing that I did not look up or even bother to ask about was, when it records video, is there any way to get any sound? My video is uploading to YouTube right now and I'll post it once it's done but I was curious about the sound. Thanks in advance

I didn't think so and maybe it is for the best, the nose would be annoying in a video.

I am in love!
Yeah, sound on a UAV would be almost pointless.

You were way more brave than me on my first flight. Just don't take too many risks at first, learn to fly it lower and closer before venturing out too far. You don't want a crash that will likely result in a destroyed camera & gimbal. There are no replacement parts at the moment and without the camera, you'll lose more than half the enjoyment with this unit.
Congratulations. That was indeed a very bold first flight! You are flying the + model with the gimbal, right?

Congrats mate. Yes a very daring flight first time out.I thought you were in a bit of bother towards the end there when you changed direction at speed.:) You must have a bit of RC heli/plane experience?

I think I will launch from knee high grass for my maiden flight. Lol
Yes, I used to fly helicopters a while ago but love this, the fact that I can have it hover in one place, amazing. And yes, this is the P2V+. I got it today and charged it up, calibrated it and off I went, my son was amazed.

I am going to buy an extra battery, case and want to look into increasing the range.

Thanks for responding guys!
Can I ask why some of your steady shots seemed to be slanted? I'd think the gimbal wouldn't allow that. I'm a newbie, on a quest for knowledge. :?

Nice first! Thats where I need to take my first flight. I think that park is about a hour from me. Cheers!
I was thinking the same, some of my video shots seemed like it was slanted when the horizon should have been straight. I don't know why that is, maybe I have to calibrate it more. Was that what you meant?

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