
Dec 29, 2016
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I was fly my phanthom 3 standard and I started to hear a load squeaking sound coming from one of the motors does that mean it's time for a new one still a little green
Squeaking motor are usually a sign of worn bearings. When your P3 is off and on a table, spin the props by hand, does one stop turning sooner than the others, if so that should be the squeeky one. You can get new bearings but for the price may as well get a new motor. They cost about $20.00 US on ebay.
Thinking about buying a better phantom
like the phantom 3 pro what do you think?
I have been flying my standard over a year and I have never had a single issue with my motors. if you bought your phantom in the past year it would still be under warranty but it seems like you changed them yourself.
I'm not sure why you would want to spend $80 on new motors then look for an upgrade but I would recommend looking at a p4 or waiting for the next line of phantoms to come out if you have the extra $.
I've been kicking around refurbing a 2312a. I did replace the motor that had a bit of bearing wobble but was still usable. It's just one of those things "why? Because I can" sort of things. Might never put it to use though. Still can't figure out how my dad got those bearings out with only a 3mm hole to work with.
Sometimes it's just some dirt/debris getting in between the rotor/stator. When I had a low impact crash that only scraped props a bit, got sort of a bell ringing sound for a moment on startup but only happened a couple times and cleared up.

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