Low light capabilities

Feb 12, 2017
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i like taking sunset shots after the sun has gone down to get the nice coloured clouds, and i notice that as soon as i bump up iso to 200 the noise is pretty bad, and not much beyond 200 is not even usable. i bring the Fstop as low as possible and slow the shutter down as much as i can but iso does need to be utilised sometimes.
does anyone else find that the p4p has bad noise in low light even at low iso like 200?
Noise profile on the p4p is quite bad even at iso 100. The good news is that it is primarily color noise which can handle quite aggressive noise reduction without too much impact. So try low luminance reduction and high color reduction and see if you get acceptable results.
Noise profile on the p4p is quite bad even at iso 100. The good news is that it is primarily color noise which can handle quite aggressive noise reduction without too much impact. So try low luminance reduction and high color reduction and see if you get acceptable results.
This is the first I've heard that the noise was so bad at higher than 100 ISO on the P4p.
I'm still flying my P3 pros- which I NEVER take off 100 ISO- and I do a fair bit of NR and sharpening post.
I was under the impression that the new sensor on the P4p was much better- as well as the increased size.

Is this not the case?
This is the first I've heard that the noise was so bad at higher than 100 ISO on the P4p.
I'm still flying my P3 pros- which I NEVER take off 100 ISO- and I do a fair bit of NR and sharpening post.
I was under the impression that the new sensor on the P4p was much better- as well as the increased size.

Is this not the case?
the p4p sensor is way ahead of the earlier ones (including p4 and the current mavics). Detail is much better, but color needs attention.

I am repeating one (actually two) of my earlier posts here with one example:


quoting myself: "here is a 100% crop (ie fullsize pixels) sample of a high-contrast and shadow-lifted iso 100 capture from yesterday.
Along one axis, color noise is reduced (lightroom setting 50), and the other luminance noise is reduced (lightroom setting 15).
As this demonstrates, color noise is the deamon here, and must be addressed for a good result."

Note that I have had two p4p, and they had the almost exactly the same noise-profile so I assume it is a general problem.

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