Litchi Waypoint Curiosities

Tried using waypoints today. It takes about 5mins of hover time to load. Anyone know what is causing this.

Does the 5 minutes occur when loading the map to the tablet or from the tablet to the drone? If it is across the network to the tablet then it could just be an internet connectivity issue. If the waypoint map is already loaded and you are trying to load it to the drone that could be something else. I've had a couple of mine fail to load, but once I try again, it only takes about 15 seconds or so. 5 minutes seems way too long.
Tried using waypoints today. It takes about 5mins of hover time to load. Anyone know what is causing this.
did you ever work this problem out?
I think this may be my problem (I think maybe I'm not giving it enough time to load)
I had a mission today that stopped part way thru and I wondered if I did not wait long enough for the mission to completely load. How do you know when it's loaded??
I had a mission today that stopped part way thru and I wondered if I did not wait long enough for the mission to completely load. How do you know when it's loaded??
this is what I would like to know.
is there a visual indication that says when the mission has loaded (uploaded to craft)
New version 3.10.4

" when uploading a waypoint mission, a progress window will now be shown
w version 3.10.4 released 2/14/17
Huge help! Thanks. So it ascends and angles to the first waypoint regardless of whether it comes from the ground or is already in mid-flight somewhere? Boy, that sounds like a bit of a design flaw to me. From the ground if the bird doesn't have perfect line of sight to the first waypoint I could see where it would just run in to something like a tree. At least I know now. Safest thing to me seems to just fly it manually somewhere close to the first waypoint and then start the mission. Thanks again.
Actually, if you start a mission with the bird on the ground, it will initially climb to about 6 meters (20 ft) then go directly to the first waypoint. Read page 26 in the manual.

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