Litchi - waypoint actions

Dec 21, 2017
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Cavan, Ontario
Used litchi for the first time today and really like it. I had one issue and I’m sure it’s something very simple that I did wrong. At several of my waypoints I selected the following options:
Stop recording
Take photo
Start recording

I noticed during the flight that the audio would say “recording stopped” immediately followed by “recording started” and as I suspected no photo was taken.

Would someone be able to tell me how I correct this?
Were you also recording video? If so, it takes time to write the video to the card before taking a photo. That would be the reason it did not take the photo. Assuming as I said you were recording video in this sequence "Stop Recording ( Video), Take Photo, Start Recording (Video)" sequence.
You can get very similar results by just taking a snapshot in your video editor, post flight.
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Were you also recording video? If so, it takes time to write the video to the card before taking a photo. That would be the reason it did not take the photo. Assuming as I said you were recording video in this sequence "Stop Recording ( Video), Take Photo, Start Recording (Video)" sequence.

Yes that was the sequence. If I was to stop recording, pause the flight for a few seconds the take the photo prior to resuming the flight, would that work? The start recording again
That might do it. Just depends on how long the card write takes from the video. But 3-5 seconds should do it.
I do not think it was the problem in this case, but curved turns can prevent waypoint actions, as the AC never actually reaches the waypoint.
As I say not the problem in this case, but worth remembering.
@Cavan_Paul can you share your Litchi mission and someone can take a look at it?

I suspect you need a delay in there between actions.

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