Litchi AEB Values Removed....

Mar 23, 2017
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Hi Guys,

I noticed when flying my P4P yesterday that Litch had removed the AEB settings to change the amount of stops apart the pictures are. So for example, I used to use -3, 0, +3 to get the full dynamic range just as I would if I used my normal camera.

I have spoken to Litchi and they say DJI removed this from their latest software library. Litchi are also saying the setting never worked but I'm 100% sure it did.

This was pretty much the main feature I bought Litchi for which was a fair amount of money and now I'm left feeling miffed. Anyone else feel the same? Did anyone else use it?
Hi Guys,

I noticed when flying my P4P yesterday that Litch had removed the AEB settings to change the amount of stops apart the pictures are. So for example, I used to use -3, 0, +3 to get the full dynamic range just as I would if I used my normal camera.

I have spoken to Litchi and they say DJI removed this from their latest software library. Litchi are also saying the setting never worked but I'm 100% sure it did.

This was pretty much the main feature I bought Litchi for which was a fair amount of money and now I'm left feeling miffed. Anyone else feel the same? Did anyone else use it?
Im a new mavic pilot and noticed the lack of bracketing control as well. Selecting the max 5 exposures only spans -1.3 to +1.3 fspots. Not only that but Lightroom shows this is done via iso and not shutter speed... Not what any photographer would want. I'm forced to manually shooting exposure bracketing now
Im a new mavic pilot and noticed the lack of bracketing control as well. Selecting the max 5 exposures only spans -1.3 to +1.3 fspots. Not only that but Lightroom shows this is done via iso and not shutter speed... Not what any photographer would want. I'm forced to manually shooting exposure bracketing now
I should add that dji does AEB via iso only in long exposures.
Removed AEB? That's INSANITY! Almost every single job I do I use AEB.
I just skimmed through a stack of invoices... of 91 invoices 85 of them utilized AEB on at least one image and most of them AEB was used on every image. That means over the last month and a half I used AEB 93.4% of the time.

I'm not going to upgrade ANYTHING on my Phantom or Inspire platforms but I'm about to buy the Mavic Pro Plus and it will need AEB.... what to do ? ? ?
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AEB bracketing is still available on the Mavic with the latest firmware but it is limited. There is a 3 exposure (-0.7, 0.0. +0.7) and a 5 exposure (-1.4, -0.7, 0.0, +0.7, +1.4). Not exactly great exposure bracketing range here..... If you need more range, you need to adjust the shutter manually and shoot your exposures. I'm wondering what the shutter speed lower limit is before the image sharpness starts to degrade due to camera shake? I'm sure that is why DJI, uses iso to bracket at longer exposures where shake is worst than iso noise. I think I will test this out myself.
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