Hi guys! So, I’ve been lurking on here for awhile since I got my P4, and I have to say you guys are pretty amazing! Anyway, I was wondering, let’s say you have a large piece of property with a great high point that you could put an antenna at the peak. Is it possible to use that antenna more or less as a mirror to increase the range of your drone? If so, what would that entail and would be required. Just kind of a interesting pet project. Thanks guys!
It's theoretically possible, but...
The device that does that job is called a repeater. The repeater takes a signal it receives and retransmits it, in real time, to the receiver. If the FCC allows the use of a 2.4gHz repeater, operating on the wi-fi band, You could transmit on, say, CH 13, the repeater receives your CH 13 signal and retransmits it on CH 15 (or whatever). Your bird is set to receive the signal on CH 15, and you're off to the races.
The questions are:
Are you legally allowed to do this?
Is there such a thing as a wi-fi repeater that will do this specific job?
Will the DJI software and hardware allow you to do this?
Whatever the answer turns out to be, I doubt you'll find something on Amazon for $20.00 that will do the job.
There are wi-fi range extenders out there, but to do the job right it will take more than that. You probably don't want to risk your investment by using something kids use to increase the length of the leash they use to connect to facebook.
Disclaimer:. What I know about this is knowledge I acquired during my stint with ham radio 30 years ago. For all I know there is something they sell on Amazon that will do a good job and does cost $20.00. Perhaps it's best if someone who really knows about this stuff chimes in with a solid answer...