Is this P3 charger for real?!?...

I'm pretty sure if it's on the Internet that is _has_ to be true.

(I'd like the GEICO/French commercial but it might tend to railroad the thread)

Never believe everything you see on the internet.
.............................................................---Thomas Jefferson
Don't go to bed and leave them charging, or leave the house. A malfunctioning lipo on a charger can do a lot of damage.
Here is a google search of images of the result:
unattended lipo battery charging - Google Search

I try to make myself use a lipo bag when charging, but only do it about half the time - but I stay in the same room doing other tasks while they charge.
Yet, not one single example of this happening with a DJI battery.
Yet, not one single example of this happening with a DJI battery.
Never understood that logic. "Plenty of car crashes, but I've never seen a red 2013 Ford Escape have an accident, so they must be accident proof" - just doesn't cut if for me.

Plenty of reports of DJI batteries malfunctioning while in the air, and DJI advises not to charge both the radio and the battery at the same time - so if you still think it is risk free to leave an unattended battery charging - make sure your homeowner's insurance is up to date..
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Meaning, what, exactly? I need to sit and watch all the green lights flash for an hour and a half?
Technically yes, practically, no. I do have all 3000 or so (it seems) Lithium batteries sitting on a shelf with an aluminum plate underneath and an aluminum plate above it. I don't have the time (nor inclination) to stare at battery chargers all day. That said, a friend of mine burned his house down charging a cam corder battery on his desk that had a bunch of other paper and junk on it. So bad things happen.

Clear out an area of combustible junk. Put a steel or aluminum plate under the batteries. Outside or in a non cluttered garage would be great, but everyone has to figure out what works. The big thing is to avoid crap chargers from Bogistan and don't ever charge a battery that looks at all broken / swollen / discolored.
Never understood that logic. "Plenty of car crashes, but I've never seen a red 2013 Ford Escape have an accident, so they must be accident proof" - just doesn't cut if for me.

Plenty of reports of DJI batteries malfunctioning while in the air, and DJI advises not to charge both the radio and the battery at the same time - so if you still think it is risk free to leave an unattended battery charging - make sure your homeowner's insurance is up to date..

The logic is pretty simple, actually. These incidents traditionally happened with cheaper batteries and poor charging equipment that doesn't have the ability to regulate itself. This doesn't happen with proper charging equipment, DJI or otherwise.
The logic is pretty simple, actually. These incidents traditionally happened with cheaper batteries and poor charging equipment that doesn't have the ability to regulate itself. This doesn't happen with proper charging equipment, DJI or otherwise.
This is a DJI P2 battery:

A DJI Inspire Battery:
A buddy of mine who owns an Inspire 1 was charging his battery in the garage. He woke up at 1:30am to the garage on fire. They determined it was the battery. He had the inspire and the remote upstairs in the kitchen. Woudl DJI be help responsible for this? What should he do? This happaned yesterday so he hasn't been able to ask around here. That's why I am doing it for him.
DJI Forum|Battery Fire!!!

DJI P2 Vision battery fire:
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
DJI Forum|Phantom 2 Vision+ Fire: DJI hasn't responded to email

DJI Ronin battery fire:
I purchased a DJI Ronin from B&H which arrived 5/13/15. The unit has been working flawlessly after a moderate learning curve. On 7/24/15 I used the Ronin for about an hour an a half between configuration and test shots. After another 40 minutes of sitting in the stand while powered on, I powered down and put the battery on the charger. Approximately 1 hour later the batter exploded and caught fire. Caught fire in a OH MY GOD thats a fire! My case got scorched pretty good and two 5 inch inch diameter burn marks on the hardwood floor.
DJI Forum|DJI Ronin Battery Explosion

Need more examples?
Gotta love all the doomsayers!

I guess I need to build a battery charging/storage vault. 4-foot-thick concrete walls, with a solid titanium steel door. A purge system to extract the normal air containing oxygen out and replace with pure nitrogen, plus both a wet and dry Ansul system.

Tied to my alarm system to auto-dial the local FD.

Hmmm. Now... how do I safely transport my batteries from the vault to the lauch site and back? Fireproofed armored car?
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Gotta love all the doomsayers!

Do you also love the hobbyists that don't have a full understanding of the equipment used in their hobby?

Do you feel it is better to be uninformed and risk a fire?

Not sure of your point.
Maybe you were referring to the Drone Registration doomsayers who tell us we will have our registration numbers stolen by terrorists, our personal information hacked, our credit cards and our ID stolen if we register? <Shrugs shoulders>
I bought the Mudder charging hub from Amazon for $13. It works as advertised and charges multiple batteries at the same time. My first test was with a brand new fully discharged battery in the battery 3 position and a partially discharged battery in the battery 2 position. Neither the batteries or the charging hub got hot. The room temperature was 73 F; while charging the partially discharged battery warmed up to 80 F and the fully discharged one to 84 F. The resistors on the charging hub got to 81 F. One concern is that DJI charger got to 141 F. I am not sure is that is a problem, but I don't think it gets that hot when it is charging just one battery. I will have to test that next time.
I have four intelligent flight batteries for my Phantom 3 Pro', and two @dji 100W chargers. When in use, I place the Chargers and Batteries on top of a double fan. Nothing gets even remotely warm, everything stays cool. I feel safer going this route, charging them this way. I do the same for my RC and both iPads. The iPad charger does get rather warm, but that is the nature of this device.
Never used a fire retarded charging bag, and being an archer/bow hunter, nor the ammo box.

The post is gone from eBay on that charger

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
There is another cheaper charger on eBay people are using to charge 3 P3 batteries and the RC at the same time, takes about an hour to charge the 3 batteries, I have it and it's awesome but can't seem to find the link. It was only about $80.
I charge all of my batteries at the same time, keeping it safe by using my hoverboard as an isolation shelf so the heat doesn't start a fire.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app
I charge all of my batteries at the same time, keeping it safe by using my hoverboard as an isolation shelf so the heat doesn't start a fire.

Sent from my iPad using PhantomPilots mobile app

Hahaha, you're funny, too. ;-)
As if anything like that could ever exist in real life. Hahaha
They have some real cheap sterios for sale over there, grab a bargain. ;-)


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