Help! "Crash & Motor Health

Nov 21, 2015
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39 to drones, flying a P3pro and loving it. However I have had a few (3) barely moving, low altitude (like 1-2ft) "crashes". Nothing to write home about and literally almost no damage besides 2 broken props and a very slight scuff on one arm. However in all cases the props have been obstructed for a few seconds and have made that horrible screaming noise until I've gotten the motors killed. Now I swear the drone has a VERY slight hum/whine that it didn't have before. Is there any way to test or run a diagnostic on the motors? Should I be concerned? Thanks!
Check and see that the motors turn free by hand and feel that they all have the same resistance. Then power up and see that they all start and the stop st the sale time. If they do you should be ok. If any are way out you may have a bad ESC (motor controller ) or a bad motor itself. Most of the time its been an ESC. Motors a pretty tough.
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If you hover and grab the skid - known as a hand catch you will never have this problem again. Assuming these accidents happen when you are trying to land.
If it is happening trying to fly indoors get prop guards or just stop flying indoors!!!
You can check to see if you have a motor that is out of balance, bent shaft, bad bearing. Run the motors with the props off. Use one of the vibration apps on your phone and hold it against each arm of the quad to see if they all have the same vibrations.
So vibration seems fairly consistent and motors seem to start/stop at the same time. Good to go?
Yes. It be sure and test your craft. Make sure after you get 6+satellites and home lock that you take of and at around 15 ft. Check here stability and if she hovers good. If that's good test the home lock and fail safe function and do a couple of short test flights testing her response to commands. When she feels right and your comfortable with here operation then your ready to fly.

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