Hangar 360

Feb 15, 2017
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North East CT
Any one else having issues with the latest update from Hagar?
Ever since I updated a couple of weeks ago unless I am connected to the internet after I am done taking a pano it will not recognize that I had. I no longer get the message "photos on aircraft". If I connect to internet before launching then it works fine. It never used to do this and I've been using the program for over a year.


Yeah I liked it better before the update and seem to be having some other issues. I will go out a good distance in go app then go to hanger but when I try and go back to go it won’t connect. I can unplug my cable then it will reconnect.
That and what you said but sometimes if I just power off the bird and cut back on it will accept the 360. Is just differant.
Don’t care for it ether.
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I always fly up or out to where I want to take the pano then switch over to Hangar. I sent them an email and they said they are aware of the issue and working on it for what that is worth...
I posted just to see if anyone else has the same.
Thanks D
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Glad you e mailed them. I tried the support in the app and nothing. I was messing with it yesterday and was doing one right above me .
Well I got it down to about 30' in front of me and was trying to get the 360 to load and lost both apps . Well got Go back but had no stick input whatever. Went to Hanger and had the same. Cut both off and tried just using the TX and the same . Was just sitting there in a hover but kept messing with it back and forth between apps and I finally got it to take and landed . Decided not to do anymore till I heard something else on this and glad you posted. Had never had that happen before ever . Was strange .
Opps email was the wording. I opened a support ticket with the app, sorry about that.
Yea I have had it look up on me after the mission was complete and got it back by putting it on Sport mode then back.
I hate the new feature for lack of a better word.. when mission end it now has a 5 second countdown then returns to home if you don't say continue flying. Sometimes I busy looking at he shot and it will start back. Big time PITA!
Yeah and I think thats what I did was hit the sport mode to get it to respond. I was with the mavic yesterday but is the same with my 4K.
Glad it happened right in front of me as I am bad about going way out to do one . If I had I might been hiking in those slough's
I go over . They have never responded to me in that support feature and have made several . Might not be looking in the right place .
I just did a few screenshots if that helps....
Support 1.jpg

Support 2.jpg

Support 3.jpg

Support 4.jpg

Clear as mudd?

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Back to the hangers I looked where you showed me and did have a response but was late and they did say sorry. I had did 2 in one flight and seems one came out blurry .Had did one low then went to 300'and they said settings had stayed the same . No matter though if they are
working on it . I like the app just not going to have those issues .
Nice, let me ask you this....camera settings in hangars, do they revert to stock settings when doing a 360 and chose what it wants or what .
Seems when or after I do one I have to redo the settings in mine .If that makes sense .

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