Forbes: Drone Users Largely Silent Regarding FAA Rules

In regard to ianwood post
ian has said it very well and hit it right on the head. I have read most of the posts on this matter and find in my opinion just about every one of the posts are right one way or the other. There is merit in all of them. But I am afraid that if we as pilots don't take a stand and fight for what we believe in, we are dead in the water with no going back. We have to fight the FAA with every thing we have. I my self will do everything I can to fight this FAA insanity and this whole thing about this ruling is insane.
As for their not being any law to justify the FAA doing as it sees fit well, they think they do. And in the end it makes no difference what we think. They are going ride rough shod over us any way they can just like a school yard bully. They are going prosecute violations and they will win in the lower courts. It will take a Supreme Court ruling to bring an end to it and I really believe we will win but only the US Supreme Court will we prevail. But there is a catch to all this and that is how many of us have the money and rescores to take it to the US High Court. I don't and I don't think any one on this forum can. Hell I would not be able get through the lower court. And FAA knows this.And they are counting on it.
So what do we do? Well I am going to write my congressmen and senators and comment to the FAA spread the word to any one that will hear what I have to say and support others in this fight. And if we lose I will know at least that I tried.
In closing I believe we brought a lot of this on by not being more on the ball. And not policing the good form the bad. there is good pilots and bad pilots and we all know at least one bad apple in our community. So now we must live with it good or bad, only time will tell.
Ultimately you can't have anarchy in the sky, and that's really close to what some here would advocate. I really can't see the court standing in the way of the FAA in protecting the nation's air space. Right or wrong, just or unjust, quads have a rotten reputation. It's an avalanche of bad press--disproportionally bad. That's bound to come out in any court hearing...

You said something about everyone standing up for what they believe. I think you'll find they already are...

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