Flying on a nice day at the park

nwillitts said:
nice,where was that?cold here.
where you flying FPV?

Texas! The recent cold snaps / polar vortex has touched us a few times but it was an unseasonably nice weekend. I know people elsewhere in the country are envious of the people / kids playing around in shorts. :)

Definitely FPV. It's my 3rd week with the Phantom and it makes flying soooo much easier. Sometimes it gives you a little more confidence than is warranted. Here's a video from just the day before the park video of me crashing the copter from backing up against tree branches.
CunningStuntFlyer said:
Some tips:

#1. subtle inputs will make the videos much less jerky.
#2. shooting in Protune mode and selecting CAMRAW for the WB will allow you to escape the nasty cyan hues and deliver video that looks much more natural.

I think I'll have to try that. Do you have to do any special post-processing by choosing Protune and CAMRAW or does it simply make things look better? New to GoPro's also.

I'll definitely try to be more subtle with my movements. Thanks for the suggestions.

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