Fell out of the sky, warranty replacement???

Feb 23, 2017
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A couple of weeks ago my P4P dropped from about 50m shortly after take off. I'd done the firmware updates, and I was trying out a set of aluminium prop mounts for the first time, also running a mission in GS Pro for the first time. Nothing abnormal before it happened.

The drone tumbled out the sky like a prop had fallen off, and on impact with the ground one did come away. Landing gear and gimbal were buckled to one side and looking pretty mangled.

It's been in with DJI for repair and they just sent me an email saying they'd replace everything under warranty. While I'm fine with that as it means I'm not using my Care Refresh, I'm not sure why it'd be a warranty job. I'd assumed operator error in mounting the props or something similar.

Anyone else know of a similar warranty issue?
I'd assumed operator error in mounting the props or something similar.
Me too. Maybe they found some kind of hardware-related defect in your case.
Done! It's £32M on the euromillioms tonight!

I should probably also point out that DJI did something similar with my Mavic when it drifted into some branches. Two new drones for free this month! DJI support is slow, but they're keeping me happy just now!
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Get an x-ray, you may have a horse shoe embedded somewhere! :)
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You lucked out my friend. Please let us know if DJI sends you the same bird or a replacement.
Just got the P4P back from DJI and it looks like they've given me a brand new drone and gimbal. All protective stickers are in place and the marks on the lower shell from where the prop guards clip in are no longer there.

No word on why it was a warranty replacement. (FWIW, this was a US import through dronesforless and no issue with European warranty). However, from an incident investigation perspective, new software, new firmware, and new prop mounts - too many firsts in one flight.

DJI support gets a lot of bad press, but this time I'm really quite happy (again). I can't imagine how many repairs they get in each day...
I'm currently hoping they replace mine which also dropped out of the sky after a motor obstructed message. Unfortunately it's still at the bottom of a river so pretty hard to send it in.
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For those of you NOT GETTING resolution from DJI over "Fell out of the Sky" We've had this happen twice with our mini fleet of 4 P4P's.
You are not alone with this issue:
For those of you in this forum: The battery disconnecting is a BIG ISSUE with P4P's in general as over 50 people on this forum alone have reported it. Glad to see PHANTOMRAINSUIT.ORG, with a dual purpose product that prevents it. We will purchase one and test. As for now we are out 1800.00! So right now we have filed a lawsuit against DJI as this is a KNOWN identified and documented defect in design.They are NOT covering it even if you are 1 day out of warranty and will not even look at the data if you send it to them. Is that policy a good way of supporting their customer base who put them on the map? Certainly not and really reveals they know the problem exists. DJI refused to repair this defect in design. Note that V2 of the P4P has a NEW BATTERY SENSOR that will warn and prevent the Phantoms from falling out of the sky scenarios which again clearly reveals they recognize the problem but again are not acknowledging it or supporting us. Remember the GoPro drone had the same issue and all were recalled and refunds issued. If you want to join the long list of those who have had this problem send your eMail/contact info to me at [email protected]. Attached is a picture of the new Battery sensor on the P4P V2's.

Please do not respond to criticize here, I am an FAA IFR rated Fixed wing Pilot and Part 333 /107 drone pilot. I have been flying DJI products for over 7 years with over 3500 flights. Their blatant refusal to acknowledge and WARN all of us regarding this issue is not the way to treat their loyal customer base and is very dis-heartening for me to have to take legal action against them.
the P4P has a NEW BATTERY SENSOR that will warn and prevent the Phantoms from falling out of the sky scenarios which again clearly reveals they recognize the problem but again are not acknowledging it or supporting us
I don't think this sensor is going to prevent Phantoms from falling out of the sky (if that's even a legit issue). It does nothing more than prevent people from taking off with an improperly installed battery (one of the common pilot errors).

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