Failed to load camera settings

Apr 14, 2017
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I can't get the saved camera settings to work. My objective is to have one setting for D-Cinelike 4K and another for Normal.

On the "Custom 1", the pen icon allows me to rename it. To save the current settings to Custom 1, I select the entire line then hit the slightly muted-out "Save" button. Everything seems good.

This is when things go sideways. I go in and make some other camera adjustments then go back to load the "Custom 1" settings, I get an error, "Failed to load camera settings." If I try to save other settings to Custom 2, then reload Custom 1, the app overwrites the name assigned to Custom 1 and fails to load Custom 1 (gut punch AND knee to the face). None of the camera settings load complete without failing.

Curious if it works for others or not?
Not resolved but it seems like the error is wrong. I can load either of my 2 saved settings and it works BUT at then end of loading, I get the dialog box saying the settings failed to load.
Not resolved but it seems like the error is wrong. I can load either of my 2 saved settings and it works BUT at then end of loading, I get the dialog box saying the settings failed to load.

I wish. I get the error and then all my camera settings are reset.

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