FAA Registration Rules Announced NOW

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You weak cowardly immoral unthinking dependent statist slaves that worship the government make me wish there was a hell for you to burn in when you die. It's unthinking slaves like you insisting that we all need your daddy government's permission to breathe that makes this world a living hell as it is.

I don't comply with liars, murderers, and thieves, especially the ones that call themselves government.

gz. that's a little bit over the top isn't it? Personal attacks, really?
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Yea yawn we see a lot of crap in here sometimes .:)
Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 9.53.53 PM✨.png
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Is it a personal attack when it's merely a truthful observation? Slaves don't want to admit they're slaves.. I get it. But don't hate me for calling it like it is.

I disagree with your assertion above, but given your altitude, there really is no point of me debating the finer point of perspective and point of view with you.

Let me just ask the question this way: Can you cite a case where someone do not agree with you on any government policy or regulations that they are also not a slave as you call it?
I wonder, can I fly my drone in slave hell? Will there be restricted areas? Can I explore the deepest, darkest pits of slave hell? I've been condemned to so many different hells in my life, they must be interconnected?
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I wonder, can I fly my drone in slave hell? Will there be restricted areas? Can I explore the deepest, darkest pits of slave hell? I've been condemned to so different hells in my life, they must be interconnected?
If you register with the the dark lord you can, but only for hobby use. ;)
Keep in mind the lava vents are a no fly zone, check your map.
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Let me just ask the question this way: Can you cite a case where someone do not agree with you on any government policy or regulations that they are also not a slave as you call it?

It's not a debate therefore nothing to disagree on. When you appeal to the fabricated authority of government, you empower the enslavement of us all.

You can submit yourself to someone elses' authority if you wish, but statists like the ones here begging and whining for government registration and regulation are pushing illegitimate authority on people who don't need or want it.
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It's truly remarkable how many people get bent out of shape over a $5 online registration that will take all of 5 minutes to complete and in all likelihood will have absolutely zero impact on people who act responsibly.
It's truly remarkable how many people get bent out of shape over a $5 online registration that will take all of 5 minutes to complete and in all likelihood will have absolutely zero impact on people who act responsibly.
I can totally relate to them. At some point, government gets just too big and intrusive. That point seems to be approaching for many people. I totally get it. But, as I've said elsewhere, I've learned to choose my battles............... this one was lost before we even knew it was a battle.
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Been watching some of the old reruns on RuralTV network. Man! I was in high school when it was popular.................... maybe even junior high! Barbie Benton just before she was "discovered" by Hugh Hefner............ wowzers!!
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It's truly remarkable how many people get bent out of shape over a $5 online registration that will take all of 5 minutes to complete and in all likelihood will have absolutely zero impact on people who act responsibly.

yes, but it's fun to prod those that gets bent out of shape so easily. Slow week.
So your comparison between tax protesters and those who know this FAA rule is unlawful, is completely off.

Sorry, but I have to jump in here. Not sure of the exact situation that was referenced by these tax comments, but there is a misunderstanding.

The feds tried an income tax in 1894 but that WAS struck down by SCotUS in 1895 because it was unconstitutional.

Congress came back with a federal INCOME tax in the early 1900s. That was only possible through the passage of the 16th amendment. In other words, income tax was unconstitutional until they modified the Constitution to allow it.

In light of this, I think the tax analogy actually works against the argument it was intended to support (supporting the constitutionality of the FAA rule). But it also shows that when the government wants something to be in their purview, they find a way to make it so - even when it flies in the face of the Constitution.
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Good law enforcement will respond, "um, yeah, noted, thanks" and then ignore it since it's unconstitutional and trying to bully local and State authority. So that guidance might be a gem to you, because you seem to think whatever the federal government says or advises is the bees' knees, but it's actually something that State law enforcement should laugh at.

I'm with you, but I lack "good law enforcement" (at least by your definition) around here. My local lawmakers are passing laws and looking for excuses to ban UAVs. The state, cities, counties and townships are falling over each other to place bans and restrictions. They will eat up all the "guidance" they can get to expand and enforce their desired bans.

It's similar to the divide in this topic. Some will welcome it with open arms, others will chafe at the chains.
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Congress came back with a federal INCOME tax in the early 1900s. That was only possible through the passage of the 16th amendment.

The Supreme Court disagrees with you:
(William E. Peck and Co., Inc. v. Lowe): the court states directly that the 16th Amendment did not extend the taxing power to new or excepted subjects.

The income tax is unconstitutional. The IRS gets away with enforcing it because they setup kangaroo courts that aren't held to accountable to supreme court rulings and if it ever gets to a jury trial, they manipulate the juries to not judge the "law" as a each juror is supposed to do.

I believe you are referring to a rule pertaining to manned aircraft and I would think a representative of the law in the process of an investigation would not be considered to be bothering you.

I was somewhat tongue-in-cheek when I mentioned this earlier, but I do think the operator of the UAV is pilot-in-command / required crew member and has the paramount responsibility to safely complete the flight and I think it's critical that the flight not be interfered with. I do think 46 USC 46504 (49 U.S. Code § 46504 - Interference with flight crew members and attendants) could arguably be applied to any person who interferes with the safe completion of a UAV flight.

So, what happens if someone, even a law enforcement officer, prevents the PIC from operating the aircraft? What if there's subsequently an accident after the PIC has been removed from the controls? Whose responsibility is the accident? What would be the penalty to that person?
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