FAA Registration Rules Announced NOW

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I've flown for the last 19 years. Heli's, Planes. Quadcopters. I have been an AMA member for 12 of those years. For the life of me, I cannot understand why you long time pilots and AMA members are actually supporting this. You are actually ok with the restriction of our hobby?
The AMA finally got what they had coming to them! The AMA tried to make the drone owners the scape goats, and tried to convince the FAA that drone owners should all be flying under AMA Rules, and even offered to be the registration entity, all to avoid having to register their AMA aircraft with the FAA. The FAA not only said no, but hell no, and you have to register too! :p
You have me confused with someone else, apparently. I have no idea what you're talking about. Although, I do seem to remember now, some guy coming on here saying he was FAA. But I wasn't involved in it at all.
Sorry, I thought you were.
There's a badge available to people with a Section 333 exemption at the333.org
He doesn't have to.

Q. Is there a citizenship requirement?

A. Only United States citizens can register their small UAS. The certificate serves as a certificate of ownership for non-citizens, not a registration certificate.
Actually, he still does have to register before he can fly, but he can't because he wouldn't be able to, so he won't. Great system, eh? :rolleyes:
Everything doesn't come down to race Grim .
See ya in Buffalo . How the Bill's doing ....don't keep up with it much no more .
True everything doesn't but when you take the same way to work in the same truck at 5 a.m. and get stopped by the same guy(not white btw) trust me I know it's not race. And the Bills still find ways to lose but I'm a Steelers fan.
True everything doesn't but when you take the same way to work in the same truck at 5 a.m. and get stopped by the same guy(not white btw) trust me I know it's not race. And the Bills still find ways to lose but I'm a Steelers fan.
I Hear ya .
Maybe that guy just like's ya :)
JK ;)
A flip side to this debate would be posing the question......

What harm could possibly come from this registration?
Does this registration in any way open the door for further restrictions on our hobby?
Could this possibly expand with time to take away our ability to fly just about anywhere?

Some will say "what restrictions" ? These people obviously have never ever studied government, learned of how government bureaucracy works....or they are part of it in some way and benefiting nicely from taxpayer hard work.
Typically, the new rules will be light and easy...to sucker you in. Like those "temporary" toll roads that never seem to go away after 1000 times more funding has been raised than was allowed when presented to the public. And even then, the tolls are always being raised. Surprise.

You gotta ask a lot of questions.
This is just the first step, just like DJI locking down the SDK for all the developers to the same DJI GO restrictions, and eliminating firmware rollbacks! :eek:
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Every AMA member now has to register their aircraft, too! The registration is not limited to drones only. The AMA flyers now will finally be held fully accountable, too. Their 50 year free ride is over! :p
There were little to no problems with AMA flyers (I assume you mean fixed wing) for them to be accountable for. It wasn't until the hobby got so cheap and easy even a caveman can do it that the skies got so unfriendly. And those "AMA guys" have been flying before you were born so thats saying something.
Yes, the drone phobia caused by the media caused the FAA to regulate law biding UAV operators and does nothing about the very few that fly with no respect for laws or saftey. Why would this minority of UAV ownes regester themselves with the FAA? The fines are for after the jackass flies his drone into a sporting event, does nothing to stop him from doing it. The operator was stupid before he owned the UAV, the operator is stupid flying the UAV and will be stupid after he causes some one getting hurt and he will not be fined because it was an illegal unregistered person flying an anonymous UAV.
You can't fix stupid with registration. Stupid is as stupid does! :rolleyes:
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There were little to no problems with AMA flyers (I assume you mean fixed wing) for them to be accountable for. It wasn't until the hobby got so cheap and easy even a caveman can do it that the skies got so unfriendly. And those "AMA guys" have been flying before you were born so thats saying something.
Agreed. However the recent solicitations for AMA membership among drone owners, based upon the free insurance were unconscionable, as the AMA was secretly lobbying the FAA in all the publicly released comments to sell all drone owners down the river, to protect their own interests. It backfired on them, and I am glad it did! Schadenfreude! :p
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The penalties are steep. 27,500 if youre caught, and up to 250,000 and jail time in some cases. They weren't specific as to what cases. This seems wrong to me. Has there been anyone killed by a drone or something? Seems like their should have been, at least as many as were killed by Islamic extremists anyway.
Those are the maximum fines allowed under FAA Regs for real airplane violations. They currently make no distinction among different aircraft, and are trying to scare everyone with the statutory maximums for the most egregious of real pilots flying real airplanes! Warning letters or a request to register are the likely sanctions, unless you were flying recklessly, in which case they already have laws against even hobbyists flying recklessly without registration!
Those are the maximum fines allowed under FAA Regs for real airplane violations. They currently make no distinction among different aircraft, and are trying to scare everyone with the statutory maximums for the most egregious of real pilots flying real airplanes! Warning letters or a request to register are the likely sanctions, unless you were flying recklessly, in which case they already have laws against even hobbyists flying recklessly without registration!
I've decided to not register. Wrote a protest note to the FAA regulations site. Signed it "Bob Dole"
Part of me wants to have an ID card made with the registration number. Carry it in a wallet and if anyone hassles me about flying my drone whip it out and say "I am a REGISTERED pilot. Back off!" Perhaps that's just making lemonade from lemons though.
and when they then take a photo of the registration number and look it up on the public FAA database and obtain your name and home address, and come looking for you, you'll have no one but yourself to blame, if you register!:eek:
You must think you are required to tow a banner with your registration number visible from the ground??
Read the information - your number can be affixed inside the battery compartment where it not visible.

You are missing the point. There is nothing to prevent anyone from putting someone else's reg # in their battery compartment, and the list of all registration numbers will be publicly searchable by the public on the FAA website for anyone to look up! The devil is in the details! :eek:
RC copters and planes have been flown for god knows how long, then quads/drones come out, and all of a sudden the FAA wants to get involved?
I'll bet you thought the AMA was your friend in this debacle! Read what their lobbyists tried to convince the FAA to do to us, while they tried to save their own skin! FAA told them that they now have to register with the FAA, too! Payback is a b*tch! :p
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You're required to have the "Certificate" available (either printed or electronic) which should do the same thing should the need arise. Take advantage of the tool if you can.
Yeah, but are you required to present it to every a-hole drone hater who interrupts you while flying, or only a law enforcement officer?
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