Explanation for an interrupted waypoint flight please

Aug 27, 2016
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I used the Lictchi app for a few runs since I purchased it several days ago. I did three different waypoint experiment with my P3 standard. The first one went smoothly and although the drone disappeared from view (about 2200 feet out) I still had video signal and it went to each waypoint and returned to the first waypoint as I set it up to do. It worked fine.

The second time I was more ambitious and figured I would send it further out and probably lose the signal, but the P3 would still follow course and return to the first way point. After about 2000 feet or so it disappeared from sight, I still had the video signal in my phone and I saw the waypoint map being followed. Then I lost signal and it seemed stuck in between waypoints (probably about 3/4 of a mile out) but I assumed it was still continuing on its path. I think it was still following course, but then by accident I flipped the function switch up for a second! I think at this point it just hung in the air, wherever it was. My phone showed it had completed about 2/3 of the trip, but I think flipping the switch back to GPS messed it up. I immediately flipped it down again. I waited a little longer, but the drone did not seem to move. So I pushed the throttle and manually sped it back to its last waypoint. Then I put it back to GPS and brought it down. ( I forgot to record the video in this experiment.)

When I interrupted the waypoint course with accidentally flipping it to GPS, was there a way to get it back to automatically finishing the course? Why did it behave this way?

I did a third and shorter run, going out about 2000 feet with just a few waypoints. It was out of sight, but the video signal on the phone was clear and the P3 completed the course without a hitch.

What happened in my second scenario?
Yep you got it in one. Once you flip the switch you basically cancel the mission. Flipping it back again quickly won't work as it would need to start the command all over again.

Neon Euc
Got it! Thanks.
Would starting the command to complete the mission restart the mission from where it was hovering or would it seek the first waypoint and go through the entire course again?

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