Draining battery on my phone

Oct 18, 2015
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I use my iPhone 5 with dji go app and it's draining my battery on my phone ridiculously quick. I had 100% battery life, and after just one flight (using one full battery on phantom advanced) my phone battery was at 10%. Would this be normal? What's is everyone else's experience?
Prior to the flight l find by going to settings then general switching off background app refresh and putting on airplane mode conserves batteries on both iphone and ipad air immensely. Hope this helps. Happy healthy New year to you
I use my iPhone 5 with dji go app and it's draining my battery on my phone ridiculously quick. I had 100% battery life, and after just one flight (using one full battery on phantom advanced) my phone battery was at 10%. Would this be normal? What's is everyone else's experience?
That would indicate your battery for the phone isn't holding charge too well. I have an old Sony Xperia X and a flight will take around 10-15% charge, max. But I have no sim card in that device, so it's purely for the P3A
This has happened to me on my iPhone 6s plus as well (twice). Most times I have no issues. I think there's probably just some bad code in the app or some run-away process. I now use a Nvidia Shield as my primary mobile device, but when I do use my iPhone I simply kill all background apps first, then launch the DJI app.. 'seems' to have a positive effect.

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