Does anyone on here ever just fly with no problems?

May 21, 2014
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Been lurking around on here for a while now and not really posted anything! Just amazed at how many scare stories there are on here! Had an fc40 no problems,,sold that and got a p2,,updated to 3.04 firmware, no probs, bringing it down is a breeze, lil bit slow but least you know it aint gonna drop like a stone!!! No fly zone ,no issue,,fly's like a dream!!!!why does everyone seem to have a big problem!!!great bit of kit as far as im concerned!!!!
Well typically we do tend to post more about the negatives than the positives.

I haven't had any flight problems (knock on wood). It took me a while to understand how to install my gimbal and then edit the settings, but I've managed so far.
Knock on wood, I've enjoyed it and have had quite a bit problem free flights.

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All the problems I've got have always been my fault. So far... Touch wood, but happy customer here.
I almost don't like answering this question, as it's a jinx. So knocking feverishly on wood, been flying nearly trouble free. I started with a P1 that I tried, unsuccessfully, flying through chain link fence(s) during training. Can't be called a fly-away, when it flies no where.

The Phantom 2 is machine of choice now. Again, knocking wood feverishly, it is stable and responsive with an H3-D2, GoPro Black, 600 Immersion and DJI iOSD mini. Only problem, I haven't troubleshot yet, is occasionally no iOSD display.

Knuckles bleeding from knocking, I'm an ultraconservative flyer very happy with my P2 and 3.04 firmware.
I've had my P2V for around 7 months now,
Over 150 problem free flights!
( I simply follow the rules, DON'T cut any corners,
NEVER rush! Just Stay calm, and let the FUN UNFOLD!

Take care, Fly safe!

( knock, knock, tree spirits released )
I haven't had a single problem. Oh wait... I haven't purchased my phantom yet.. but I've made some serious progress and have settled my decision on the P2V. I'm looking to purchase in about a months time - although I'm dying to go out and buy this weekend, I like to take time with these kind of purchases (can't stand the impulse buy). Although I'm new to RC quadcopters, I am somewhat of a tech junkie, and something I've noticed in forums like this... out of a hundred users, (97 satisfied and 3 unsatisfied) - your sure to find 2 negative reviews and only 1 positive (twice as many negative) - it's just the way it is I suppose.
No problems, I would fly it like a crazy person, let it fall full speed straight down from 500ft then catch it at 60ft and watch it take 30 ft to pull to a stand still, huge fun. Those were the days when I never knew about prop wash (or anything). I treated it like a toy and it responded perfectly to being one the fun factor was the best, then I came here and now I'm scared to live and I look in the air all the time incase I get to catch a fly-away lol.
Over 500 flights and still going strong, don't listen to the ********, educate yourself, fly safe and dont be stupid and get up to 500 very happy flights like me.
Mal's right. Whenever someone has a problem, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. There are rare power fails but that's about it. Sometimes I think new flyers would be better off not reading this forum.
Just fly the **** bird, its great fun but learn, learn, learn and learn some more. Take 5 hours out of your life and youtube the phantom 1, phantom 2 and phantom 2 vision/+ tutorials. Dont show off within the first month or so (you will crash and look like a clown). Learn the basics like vrt, calibration and all that **** you think is blah blah blah. That blah blah blah will save you a fortune. My main pointer and bug is this, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FLYAWAY ANYMORE. Flyaways are used 99% of the time for new flyer crashes. They dont exist anymore, they are mainly blowaways in atti mode that new flyers dont have a clue about (learn atti mode). Just respect your bird and she will respect you. Grow a pair of balls and learn how to fly with baby steps and hopefully you can write the same **** I just did because believe it or not I have said this many times, I know I come across as a heartless **** but it really does pain me to see 2 posts a day from new flyers who have smashed their new pride and joy into pieces of crap. Learn learn learn then you can enjoy enjoy enjoy. Nite all, its late here ;) said:
steveeds said:
No problems, I would fly it like a crazy person, let it fall full speed straight down from 500ft then catch it at 60ft and watch it take 30 ft to pull to a stand still, huge fun. Those were the days when I never knew about prop wash (or anything). I treated it like a toy and it responded perfectly to being one the fun factor was the best, then I came here and now I'm scared to live and I look in the air all the time incase I get to catch a fly-away lol.

I think you hit the nail on the head there...
When one is not aware of issues, or potential issues, there's no fear of crashing just plain old good fun. Start reading about fly-aways, VRS, battery failures, solar flares, cosmic interference, black holes, time warps etc etc and suddenly one becomes paranoid and fearful of damaging or losing their machine. Often resulting in a mistake which leads to a crash!
It may be a poor analogy, but it's like when we were kids we had no fear of climbing trees or scaling steep hills, walking across a felled tree that lay across a creek or river. As one grows older one begins to think about danger, the 'what ifs' and suddenly the fear out weighs the fun potential and we don't do it.
My first P2V+ actually did fall out of the sky for some unexplained reason, but my second one has been incident free, so far. However, it has taken me a long time to regain faith in the machine and only now am I beginning to once again allow it to do what it was intended to do.
Fear is a terrible thing. Get out there and fly it, have fun. Capture amazing footage that you will never get from standing on the ground with a camera. Get into the routine of following the correct procedures until you no longer think about those either. It only takes a couple of minutes of your time.
Doono said:
Mal's right. Whenever someone has a problem, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. There are rare power fails but that's about it. Sometimes I think new flyers would be better off not reading this forum.
Sometimes. But I'll be a new flyer soon and have already benefited an incredible amount by reading through the forums. :cool:
You can't use the "C" word like that out of the box, it leaves nothing left for others, it's a word that one builds up to you can't simply initiate it, very selfish.
mikey said:
Doono said:
Mal's right. Whenever someone has a problem, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. There are rare power fails but that's about it. Sometimes I think new flyers would be better off not reading this forum.
Sometimes. But I'll be a new flyer soon and have already benefited an incredible amount by reading through the forums. :cool:
Just make sure you sift through the **** and take advice from experienced flyers and not the phantom flyaway phenomenon brigade
steveeds said:
You can't use the "C" word like that out of the box, it leaves nothing left for others, it's a word that one builds up to you can't simply initiate it, very selfish.
Hey I'm a drunk irishman, rules on cursing dont apply to me ye bollox ;)
You could of said you were an Irishman, somethings are just understood.


These posts are on topic
Mal_PV2_Ireland said:
mikey said:
Doono said:
Mal's right. Whenever someone has a problem, they blame everyone and everything except themselves. There are rare power fails but that's about it. Sometimes I think new flyers would be better off not reading this forum.
Sometimes. But I'll be a new flyer soon and have already benefited an incredible amount by reading through the forums. :cool:
Just make sure you sift through the **** and take advice from experienced flyers and not the phantom flyaway phenomenon brigade
I figured that out pretty quick lol. At first it did scare me a bit (fly aways), but enough digging and I figured it out. I been PM'ing a couple of good users and have gleaned a lot of info, it's been great.
Over 100 flights and only 1 problem, which was caused by ME. I flew behind some thick trees and lost signal. Otherwise, everything has been great!
I have over 120 HOURS of flight time on my Phantom 1 now. No problems, though I've instigated a couple of crashes myself. You do tend to see a lot of horror stories online, but these forums tend to be "peer customer service" communities; most people go out and fly, the ones with questions and especially the ones with issues are more likely to show up here. And though I hate making the connection, it tends to be true that a lot of problems turn out to be pilot error; these Phantoms are easy to fly but there are caveats that new pilots are often unaware of.

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