Compass question

Aug 16, 2016
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When it is suspected that the DJIGo or Litchi apps are giving a false compass calibration error is there anyway to confirm this by another means. For example,
If the aircraft icon on the app points in the same direction as the the P3 does this mean the compass is working?
Quite often error is displayed because of local anomaly. You should not recalibrate in these circumstances as you will then have problem when model flies out of the anomaly.
You may have calibrated originally in an area of anomaly. A clear open area does not g'tee clear of magnetic anomaly.

If you want to check area .... then easiest way is to have an orienteering or marching compass.

While holding - try and identify a distant mark and align compass with it. Now walk around area and see if needle alters relative to that mark. You may find a spot where needle deflects .... this is a local anomaly. It could be due to underground pipes, cables, iron ore deposits .... all sorts of reasons.

Hope this helps you understand compass problems.
When it is suspected that the DJIGo or Litchi apps are giving a false compass calibration error is there anyway to confirm this by another means. For example,
If the aircraft icon on the app points in the same direction as the the P3 does this mean the compass is working?
Since your started two threads on the same day about the very same issue, the compass. I think your worry about it too much. Just do the compass cal and don't worry about it unless your having some issue. I answer you question in your other thread on doing the cal and knowing when it's done. Just do it outside away from and metal, if you don't get any errors your good to go. Don't stress it if everything is working.
When it is suspected that the DJIGo or Litchi apps are giving a false compass calibration error is there anyway to confirm this by another means. For example,
If the aircraft icon on the app points in the same direction as the the P3 does this mean the compass is working?
I think I run into this frequently and of course solar activity can cause some problems also.people on here have assured me that temporary red lights (I call them) happen and not to worry, I have calmed down and still have my drone. take your keys out of your pocket,belt buckles .ect

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