Can't We All Just Get Along?

Dec 20, 2014
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Calabasas CA
This forum has been an indispensable tool for me. I have relied on the information found here to get my Phantom flying with all the accessories installed. Thank you all for the help!

The one thing that kind of bothers me is seeing the negativity show up in so many threads. It discourages me from discussing things knowing that someone may criticize or poke fun. In fact, I’ll probably get some, “Stop your whining!” type replies here. I don’t really care, and don’t take things personally but I know how good it can feel to have the support of a forum in a hobby.

I think one of the reasons there is so much negativity is because there are users with a very wide range of RC / Phantom experience. From a teen who is interested to seniors that have been flying RC all their lives. The other factor is probably communication styles. For some, to suggest that one is lazy for not reading a manual is not a big deal. To others, hearing this makes the person saying it a bad person.

Maybe we can all meet somewhere half-way, in a Phantom world, where we are all friends, or Phantom Pilots….
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it's well proven that people tend to be more hostile and aggressive when hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. I've been on myriad forums in my day.. cars, health, music, now Phantoms... and a certain % of the populace of any forum are going to be mean, rude, or trolls... that's just the way it is.

imo the only thing to do is develop the ability to ignore and not respond to people who are pointlessly hostile or trolling. I know that's harder than it sounds but it's possible :)
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Some will wake up in the morning and think what a good day it could be. Some will wake up and think how they can mess it up for you.
Yeah i have been saying the same thing.

From what i can tell i think many here finally feel like they belong to "something" a part of "something" and thats pretty cool as we all do something i consider special and i think many others here feel the same way.

What ends up happening is some here have such strong feelings about finally belonging often start to feel they have to defend "belonging" but do so in very condescending and simply mean spirited ways.

When i see so many people really get tied up in knots over things they have "NO CONTROL OVER" and then you see the "They are gonna ruin it for all of us"

What that really means is i finally belong to "something" now you wanna take it away from me!

Then it really snowballs from there because sometimes the feeling of belonging makes some feel instead of belonging they are "Owning" then you start to see the negative replies to harmless posts, sniping at people for simply asking a question.

It is a public board with a private owner so he has the right to moderate as he wishes but in my opinion should be moderated a bit tighter and banning those who bring negative vibes.

My two cents!

Smile guys! :)
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Andrey320 said:
Sorry... posted in the wrong forum.... Mods, can you please move to General?
Thank you!
Douche for posting in wrong forum :)
I try to be nice, and help people the best I can, but I do like to mess around with people from time to time, but in a playful way and I always try to make sure it's obvious that I'm joking. This forum is a great place for people to get together and share ideas and experiences, so I'd hate to see it get taken over by a bunch of trolls who make it an unpleasant experience for any newcomers who's just starting with their phantom or just thinking about getting one in the future. We all had to start somewhere, and probably asked the same questions some of these new guys keep asking each week, but that's what this place is for right? Just think about it for a second, someone hears about these (drones) and says *oh wow, that looks cool, I think I'll get one*. So they get on Ebay and find a nice used phantom for a really good price and get it. Well that phantom might arrive in a nice case with extra batteries, props, and what not, but they don't see a manual anywhere. Not thinking much about it, they'll probably take it outside, start it up and just take off without knowing about waiting for the green flashing lights which you might think is a dumb thing to do, but to them, they just think (oooh it has cool blinking lights like my cheap helicopters), or they might know about how to set it up and everything, but not know about the Laws in place because well, some people probably look at these drones as (just harmless toys that can fly really high and take cool pictures). I mean really, you can find a ton of videos on youtube about how to set everything up and so on, but how many people talk about the rules you have to follow if you plan on flying these things? So in closing, I just want to say just because you think something is obvious, doesn't mean it really is. Help the newbies, and you'll have more experienced phantom pilots in the future to help the next round of newcomers and so on.
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If you are being irresponsible or using your Phantom dangerously...if that isn't enough....and then post it online...hell yea you are going to get slammed by a few different personality types and ages...Some pilots are pretty protective of an activity they love and respect...respect being the key word...respect for the level of damage this Phantom can inflict if used carelessly. Actions and behaviors of the ignorant give the rest of the pilots extremly bad reps...look at the news already, the footage they use against quad's is world wide. Look at the gun issue, a few commit horrible crimes and then there is a scream to outright ban or very least dictate what you can do and cannot do with a weapon. Phantoms weigh a little and have 4 very sharp whirling blades spinning as fast as a plane prop...if this runs into living tissue, another aircraft, a moving vehicle? A child? Accidents do happen but most Phantom pilots I know are AMA members and do everything they can to fly safely. Flying by yourself away from people you can be a complete idiot if you want to. Hell, I go idiot every once in awhile in the forest. But if irresponsible people keep exhibiting this behavior then I fear even the free flying done safely will be compromised for safety sake by the masses. The local chipmunks have started to hold protests on my front door step again.
I personally will not tolerate behavior that puts my recreation at risk and will call anyone on it. I am always positive in my suggestions when sharing experience that goes back to the late 80's.
Spend a few bucks (how much was that Phantom setup again?), join AMA and support the sport (you get insurance included should anything happen when flying). So what possible exscuse can a Phantom user have not to have insurance? Not to learn to operate the aircraft safely? Not to be responsible?
Looks like my soap box fell over...I realize some may be offended and some may support what I have said but seriously, being offended only makes my points stronger about the risk in which these 'I didn't know, I didn't think' excuses put our recreation at great risk. The AMA is expending great time and a great amount of money to protect our sport BECAUSE of the types of behavior already exhibited so early in this incredible sport.
There is no excuse for ignorance.

E-4P D.Hart
10th Mountain Division 2/7 FA BN HSSB (retired)
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Monte55 said:
Some will wake up in the morning and think what a good day it could be. Some will wake up and think how they can mess it up for you.

Zombie Taco said:
ZeekArmy said:

ZeekArmy said:
So what possible exscuse can a Phantom user have not to have insurance?

My "excuse" for not having AMA insurance is that it is superfluous.

p.s. Why do some folks refer to flying a toy as a sport?

Why do you think that AMA insurance is superflous?

I don't know that Shuttlecocks are referred to as a sport, but Badminton is.
Zombie Taco said:
HailStorm said:
Why do you think that AMA insurance is superflous?

Because it only kicks in in the unlikely event that my existing liability coverage(basic liability and my $1.5M umbrella policy) is exhausted

HailStorm said:
I don't know that Shuttlecocks are referred to as a sport, but Badminton is.

Apples and oranges.

Not true about AMA. Please provide a link to support your claim. Thanks bro.

Pears and Persimmons.
I think the OP had something to do with trolling and our resident "under-the-bridge-dweller" who seems to have clambered back up the bank and is seeking attention again.

Peter, peter, peter...
Zombie Taco said:
HailStorm said:
I think the OP had something to do with trolling and our resident "under-the-bridge-dweller" who seems to have clambered back up the bank and is seeking attention again.

Peter, peter, peter...

You're welcome for the info about the superfluous AMA insurance. Please let me know if you need any more help.


No Thanks, DeathFromJuu/TimmyG94/and one hundred other names. You've done educated me and I require nor desire nothing more from you.

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