Can you take picures while recording video?

Wow! That's great news as I can't remember seeing that in the manual for my P4 advanced. Can you please kindly advise how I take a photo mid video (on screen I have to switch from video to photo and I seem to remember that pressing the photo shoot button on the controller also stops the video?). Thanks a lot in advance.

You just press the camera shutter physical button on the right front of the remote controller. It doesn't stop the video on the P4A and P4P. By front I mean the edge of the controller on the opposite side from you, where your index finger can easily reach it while operating the UAS.
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Brilliant! Thanks a lot. I feel a bit daft now as I'm sure I must have tried it at some point but one fault of mine is forgetting to take enough stills whilst concentrating on safe flying and video. I shall use this a lot from now on

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