B&H Halting Sales of All H3-3D Gimbals

I just got off the phone with their sales dept about this and the guy said that they decided to pull the remaining units and sell them as combo packages w/the phantom 2.... now the question is who to believe?!
I also asked B&H why the item was now listed as not for sale, this was their response...

"Thank you for contacting the E-Mail Sales Department at B&H Photo Video and Pro Audio. Due to the large amount of orders and the limited stock it is temporarily not available via the website. If you would like to order one you may call the order in, 212-444-6615, is the phone number to call to place your order. "
What's weird is that the packaged version (bundled with the Phantom 2) has also been pulled and is listed Not For Sale. So if they're pulling the remaining stand-alone units to sell as packages with the P2, why did they pull those packages as well?

I'm a long-time customer of B&H -- like 30+ years. I'm a huge fan, and a regular visitor to their store on 9th Ave. and 33rd Street. I've never seen 'Item Not For Sale' unless it's been discontinued. They often list backordered items as either backordered or with a 'usually ships in 7 - 10 days'

Here's hoping this is just a glitch. I was going to cancel my P2V+ order and go with a P2 and H3-3D, but now I can't, at least not through B&H.
Thanks for the update -- you are correct! Back on sale, and oddly 'In Stock' but for 10 extra bucks.

Tragedy averted....
i got my p2+h3 package today from b&h, of course they sent me the wrong p2 (without the hole)

besides the hole are the new and old p2's exactly the same ? same gcu?
Yeah the only difference in the P2 versions is the hole.

Regarding the H3-3D - I ended up getting my order from B&H today - version 1.1 with the interference board and the new usb connector with the flimsy ribbon cable. No adapter plate, no extended landing skids.. WTF B&H??!!!! I emailed their customer support asking where the hell the adapter was, and the missing landing skids (which are required as the gimbal hangs so low with the adapter plate) this was their response:

We are aware of this problem. It appears that the bracket was supposed to be included but was not and we are getting them and they should ship to you next week. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Regarding the landing skids - We did not receive any confirmation from the manufacturer with regards to the longer landing skids as of now.
You may ant to contact DJI directly at:
Tel: (818) 235 0789
Email: [email protected]

First and last time I will be buying from these guys. Total cluster. :x Im not sure who is worse - DJI for putting out an incomplete product, or B&H for blindly shipping without checking ALL the required parts were included.
It's more than just a bigger hole. The "skeletal" structure of the shell is raised to accommodate the the motor.


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