Argtek antenna worse than standard antenna

Was just reading some guys post on here but can't find it now, but he swapped out the standard antenna & landing gear with the pro's and it all fitted perfectly with minimal work
Was just reading some guys post on here but can't find it now, but he swapped out the standard antenna & landing gear with the pro's and it all fitted perfectly with minimal work

I think it was matts :)
I would like to try the ALFAs on the p3 4K RC,,should I buy 2 of the M25s,or should I buy 1 M04 and 1 m25. ? And would i have to install Magic power 5.0 to get the most out of them,,Or can I run the Alfas with out it?
Well today I taped a Windsurfer parabolic reflector to the centre Omni antenna 5.8Ghz of the Argtek ....

I had installed Go 3.1.5 app and put a fresh battery in ....

Sent her out ................. at altitude 120m, in Rural area over the river .... I reached 3068m before RTH kicked in ...

My personal best previously with only Argtek was 2534m

Video of screen recording being edited and will be uploaded ...

That was with only one Windsurfer in the middle section of the antenna. I have now joined TWO windsurfers to cover near all the antenna length .... and will try that tomorrow if weather suitable.

Nigel,,were you running litchi?,,I've read a lot of what Matt has tried,,that's what got me to thinking about the alfas,,I believe he used the argtek base,,and then just installed the alfas,,,that way I could use Omnis or the directionals depending on the type of flying I need to do,,
I know you guys are way ahead of me,,and I appreciate your input,,I would use surfers with the Omnis for sure,,
I only get 500m with Go app. I get a "aircraft out of range " I downloaded
Litchi but have not tested it yet,that's why I asked,,
Duh,,never mind,,I got it figured,,rookie mistake,,
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3068 was with Go 3.1.5 ......

Range should not be affected by which app you use .... yesterday I decided to test latest Go .... apart from terrible lag - it worked fine.

Here's the screen recording so you can see the height / range / signals yourself ...

And the Surfer on the antenna ...


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I got ya, I stumbled across a few threads, of course after I posted,,but thanks for the info,,nice p3s setup,,I'm looking to do the same argtek base mod. It will add more options,,Omnis /directionals,,I like the reviews of the alfas,,thanks again,
4525m with TWIN surfers on the antenna ...


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