anyone still using old firmware....

Apr 10, 2013
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IM still on the fence regarding the firmware update. I rarely fly in gps mode anymore and I have no issues taking off, and actually prefer to control throttle up during take off...

anything really dramatically different with this firmware update that makes it all worthwhile?

just looking for some input from those who know best. :mrgreen:
I am happy I did the upgrade. I mostly fly in maual and I find the software is better there too, so maybe
DJI made some changes to controlling the ESCs also?
Today I had ten flights in hefty wind and when trying out the GPS setting the Phantom was more locked in
and stayed better when I let go of the sticks thah it used to do. Another strange thing is that I got a minute longer flight
time on my batteries, I should have gotten less when it had to struggle with the wind......
There aren't that many improvements in the new firmware, I haven't noticed any difference, and I hate the new throttle setup. But to each his own. I have noticed that if you want to recalibrate
imu for any reason you are forced to upgrade because they pulled the 2.02 assistant,at least mine they did. That sucks, I also noticed when you give it a command in gps mode, if it is a hard left, right, fwd,or back,you have to input opposite command to get it to settle in to a hover which I don't remember having to do before. Wind or no wind,try it If this firnware is better, I don't see it. I have flown mine everyday for almost two months, for at least one and one half hour each day in all kinds of environment except rain, and I liked it the way it was. I am but one among many so take the majorities advice. I have been wrong a lot in my 73 years.
Gary39 said:
There aren't that many improvements in the new firmware, I haven't noticed any difference, and I hate the new throttle setup. But to each his own. I have noticed that if you want to recalibrate
imu for any reason you are forced to upgrade because they pulled the 2.02 assistant,at least mine they did. That sucks, I also noticed when you give it a command in gps mode, if it is a hard left, right, fwd,or back,you have to input opposite command to get it to settle in to a hover which I don't remember having to do before. Wind or no wind,try it If this firnware is better, I don't see it. I have flown mine everyday for almost two months, for at least one and one half hour each day in all kinds of environment except rain, and I liked it the way it was. I am but one among many so take the majorities advice. I have been wrong a lot in my 73 years.

I respect your input and feel my current setup works just fine. I will try and calibrate my imu tonight without upgrading firmware... Since I have not downloaded the new naza assitant (still using the original assistant) Im assuming it may prompt me to update but I can cancel, yes?

I do not need the extra "assistance" the new update provides... If it was to fly faster I would upgrade, otherwise If it aint broke dont fix it ...... :lol:
I agree with you 100% I liked the thing the way it was. Good luck recalibrating your imu, I had assistant 2.02 downloaded on my computer,and when I went to use it last time apparently dji had removed it forcing me to upgrade to assistant 2.10, I think you do have a choice wheather to upgrade to firmware 3.10 . I did, just to see the benefits ? now I am sorry I did, hopefully your 2.02 is still there. Happy flying
Gary39 said:
There aren't that many improvements in the new firmware, I haven't noticed any difference, and I hate the new throttle setup. But to each his own. I have noticed that if you want to recalibrate
imu for any reason you are forced to upgrade because they pulled the 2.02 assistant,at least mine they did. That sucks, I also noticed when you give it a command in gps mode, if it is a hard left, right, fwd,or back,you have to input opposite command to get it to settle in to a hover which I don't remember having to do before. Wind or no wind,try it If this firnware is better, I don't see it. I have flown mine everyday for almost two months, for at least one and one half hour each day in all kinds of environment except rain, and I liked it the way it was. I am but one among many so take the majorities advice. I have been wrong a lot in my 73 years.

Hey Gary, did you do full Advanced Calibration after upgrade ? if not, that causes GPS, Yaw and other action to keep wrong values (old) over new Firmware.
Yea I did, everything looked good at that point. I didn't do a compass cal. however and should probably do that. Maybe I'll run the imu cal again just to make sure. It was calm here the day after I downloaded the new stuff, first time since I've owned it. Didn't like the way it handled in gps mode under quiet conditions. wouldn't stop traveling when in gps mode until I corrected with opposite stick. then would hold and hover,I didn't have to do that before. New firmware is supposed to enhance satellite signal, Big Bust Been raining here for 2 days, so I need some dry windy days to check gps in the wind with new firmware.I'm really not happy with it, but I guess a lot of others are. As Ellen Degeneres would say " Anyway"
If it ain't broke - don't fix it! I wish I hadn't updated mine. My Phantom flew great before. I could let go of the controls and it would just park where I left it (I often would park it just above eye level, let go of the transmitter and walk up to press the record on the gopro). Now I wish I could go back because it drifts all over the place and I have to constantly fight it to stay still (yes, I did do the advance cal, compass cal, TX cal, everything I could think of). The new firmware update has made GPS mode unusable on my machine. Very frustrated. :evil:
Same here, I was really comfortable with it. Now when I send it out in gps mode I don't know wheather it has stopprd going or not. gps is not as good, alot of things are really a setback.
Gary39 said:
Yea I did, everything looked good at that point. I didn't do a compass cal. however and should probably do that. Maybe I'll run the imu cal again just to make sure. It was calm here the day after I downloaded the new stuff, first time since I've owned it. Didn't like the way it handled in gps mode under quiet conditions. wouldn't stop traveling when in gps mode until I corrected with opposite stick. then would hold and hover,I didn't have to do that before. New firmware is supposed to enhance satellite signal, Big Bust Been raining here for 2 days, so I need some dry windy days to check gps in the wind with new firmware.I'm really not happy with it, but I guess a lot of others are. As Ellen Degeneres would say " Anyway"

In other forum posted another solution.
Download "Default Phantom Parameters" from DJI website and then do IMPORT from Toools Menu. Re-do Calibration always.
Gary39 said:
Will try, thanks

Gary, if you have other than stock TX, must change control from PPM to TRADITIONAL
Running stock transmitter, just ran defaults and recalibrated. That new throttle control complicates flying inside but it can be done,I liked it before when you could ease it up and hover a foot above the floor with out it jumping off the floor and then lowering throttle. Just got bitched at for that one. Will fly outdoors tomorrow,it's raining hard outside or I'd do it now. Flying at night with those leds is a blast,looks great in darkness, lights up landing area great when landing.
update: so I connected my Phantom to the naza, and immediatley popped up the upgrade now button, i simply canceled out and it allowed me to ignore the upgrade. Whew....

Ill wait till all the kinks are out, she runs to good right now .. :geek: :cool:
Gary39 said:
Good for you, you'll be happier.

i can send you the installer for naza old version if youd like via email. i have it saved to my pc desktop.
would it work? can you just go to naza site and download older version? and reinstall? its seems like a pain in the *** though to much calibrations and guess work right now... IMO.

let me know...
Thanks capodrone, I was sitting here looking through things and found the 2.02 software installer under history in the online help. I downloaded it and got it o.k. I don't know if it is going to let me get rid of the 3.10 firmware or not. I'm starting to get a littlle nervous, I couldn't get previous firmware to highlight so I couldn't download it. I don't know if 2.02 will do it for me or not. Maybe someone has the answer, I hope, I am hesitant to take a chance,and I know dji is no help.
Gary39 said:
Thanks capodrone, I was sitting here looking through things and found the 2.02 software installer under history in the online help. I downloaded it and got it o.k. I don't know if it is going to let me get rid of the 3.10 firmware or not. I'm starting to get a littlle nervous, I couldn't get previous firmware to highlight so I couldn't download it. I don't know if 2.02 will do it for me or not. Maybe someone has the answer, I hope, I am hesitant to take a chance,and I know dji is no help.

Here you go boss: good luck!

BadWolf said:
I saw this on Facebook for those that want to revert back to the Phantom firmware. I have not done this, perform at your own risk.

From Facebook.

Here are the instructions to downgrade back to the original firmware............

1. Click on the blue text (No updates) next to Firmware 2.02: in the assistant under info.
A pop-up box will appear.

2. Type the word door You do not need to put your cursor anywhere, just type and another box will pop up.

3. Type test for the user name and 125 for the password.

4. Follow the remaining instructions to upgrade the NAZA then after the progress bar is done, power cycle the Phantom.

5. Do a software compass re-cal when done followed by a manual compass re-cal

If it were me I'd also do a Tx and an IMU calibration.


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