Absence of map/satellite view in the controller

May 29, 2016
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On a number of occasions when I've trudged off to my favourite takeoff point, and when I've set the Phantom up, I've found that there is no longer a map or satellite view, to aid navigation. I live in a very rural area which abounds in trees, steep hills and valleys, and needless to say has zero mobile phone signal. It would be helpfull to know how, where and when the map/satellite data is stored on the machine, and the area that would be covered., and how to extend it. I do realise that the camera is paramount in location, but, often, the view from overhead bears little reseblance to what you can see from the gound, even if you're familar with the ground view.
On a number of occasions when I've trudged off to my favourite takeoff point, and when I've set the Phantom up, I've found that there is no longer a map or satellite view, to aid navigation. I live in a very rural area which abounds in trees, steep hills and valleys, and needless to say has zero mobile phone signal. It would be helpfull to know how, where and when the map/satellite data is stored on the machine, and the area that would be covered., and how to extend it. I do realise that the camera is paramount in location, but, often, the view from overhead bears little reseblance to what you can see from the gound, even if you're familar with the ground view.
Are you saying that you are caching maps in advance but then find them missing when you arrive on location?
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I'm unsure of how, or where the Phantom setup sources it's map data, but on occasions, when a previous flight has displayed map/satellite data successfully, on the next occasion, the data has been absent. The functionallity is there, the flight path and the route 'home' displayed over an entirely blank display. Short of a dummy run, before leaving home, I'm unsure of how to ensure that I've a functioning map to fly from. particularly if I want to fly from a locality, perhaps a few miles from home.
I'm unsure of how, or where the Phantom setup sources it's map data, but on occasions, when a previous flight has displayed map/satellite data successfully, on the next occasion, the data has been absent. The functionallity is there, the flight path and the route 'home' displayed over an entirely blank display. Short of a dummy run, before leaving home, I'm unsure of how to ensure that I've a functioning map to fly from. particularly if I want to fly from a locality, perhaps a few miles from home.
It sounds like you are not aware of map caching for when you have no internet access. Try reading through a few of the posts in these search results to see if it sheds some light.

This post in particular from msinger has good info.
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Thanks. It's looking a lot clearer, already. So, the maps are cached in the video device, tablet or 'phone, and according to info on your links, are held for 30 days (Google). After which, they are (possibly) purged. Unless (possibly) they are renewed by later access. So, to avoid disappointment, I should bring up the Google maps of the area I wish to fly within, in the tablet or 'phone I intend to use and swan about, presumably at the highest magnification, over the area I wish to fly over, at some date and time within the 30 day cut-off, and all will be well. Doesn't sound too arduous. I'll give it a whirl, when the weather improves a bit
I set the system up earlier today, to check whether my latest 'phone worked ok. It did, but a warning came up to say the the battery temperature was under 10C, and that was indoors!
So, the maps are cached in the video device, tablet or 'phone, and according to info on your links, are held for 30 days (Google). After which, they are (possibly) purged. Unless (possibly) they are renewed by later access.

Rod, once you cache a Google map for the GO app, you should get a message every 30 days or so reminding you to update the map or it gets purged.
Ah. I do recollect having, at times seen warnings about saved maps. But since I've never consciously saved any maps, I've ignored the messages, as being part of the useless junk that is forever turning up on anything computational. I'll keep an eye out, in future.

P3 doesn't use Google Maps .... it uses HERE maps.

And 30 days 'life' ?? Never heard or seen that ...

But the cacheing of maps is same whether Google or Here.

At home while tablet / phone connected to Internet ... open the map view and scroll round - each segment will focus and then you move to next section etc. They will auto save to the map cache.

If like me - you fly various areas - then you zoom out ..... scroll to area you want ... zoom in as you want and cache segments again...


P3 doesn't use Google Maps .... it uses HERE maps.

And 30 days 'life' ?? Never heard or seen that ...

But the cacheing of maps is same whether Google or Here.

At home while tablet / phone connected to Internet ... open the map view and scroll round - each segment will focus and then you move to next section etc. They will auto save to the map cache.

If like me - you fly various areas - then you zoom out ..... scroll to area you want ... zoom in as you want and cache segments again...


my p3 does use Google maps,if you use Litchi but they DO only last for 30 days, in DJI GO or Litchi
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my p3 does use Google maps,if you use Litchi but they DO only last for 30 days, in DJI GO or Litchi
same for me google maps are in my go app but i dont have the latest. caching is simple and i also find that sometimes they go away but i have not figured out why or what triggers it.
Nigel, your scheme seems to the best idea. since the maps seem to be sourced from the phone or tablet. I'm not so sure about the maps being sourced from HERE. The local country park (Moel Fammau) has been extensively Google mapped and available on Street view. Whilst many of these are old forestry roads, a lot of them are footpaths and certainly not negotiable by any sort of four wheeled vehicle. The maps that the DJI Go uses show these on the combined satellite/map view. On the 30 day rule, I tend to use a Samsung tablet as the viewing screen, and it normally resides in the case with the Phantom, so it could be very possible that the maps would expire before I got the thing out again for a spin. Thanks, all for your help in this perplexing problem.
P3 doesn't use Google Maps .... it uses HERE maps.

And 30 days 'life' ?? Never heard or seen that

My mistake. I stand corrected.
Shore nuff. I could be wrong about the intervals between when I get reminders to update the maps I've cached for use with the GO app but, I do get regular reminders. There are a number of maps that correlate directly to the areas where I fly. I don't cache maps for any other purpose other than the GO app.
GO used GOOGLE maps until about just over a year ago and then changed to HERE. Many people are not happy about this as HERE maps are generally older and do not seem to be updated on the FREE service.

That's the crux. FREE.

For me Google and HERE are both well out of date for my area and for me makes no real odds which.

Litchi uses GOOGLE of course.

Some claim that they are able to cheat GO to use GOOGLE maps - but I've tried their suggestions and I know others who have ... didn't work.

HERE maps actually if you are into their paid service are good - but you cannot import into the cache.

Well, I never!! I've had a really close view of the local area, using both the Go app and google maps, and there is a difference. The lane that passes my house, according to the map on the Go app, ends at my house, but on Google it continues to a further house about 100 metres up. So the Here's have it!. It is notable, comparing the two, on the PC, and in Go, that the satellite view is much, much better defined on Google, than in the Here maps, but that's possible something you get when you pay for Here maps. Looks like it might be a good idea to look into Litchi a bit more, if it still uses Google maps.

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