A question about purchasing an iPad mini 4

Dec 31, 2016
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I was just looking on Best Buy's website, and I'm considering the iPad mini 4 for my P4. I think I want to get the one that has cellular as well as Wi-Fi. The Main reason I would want that version is for the GPS capability and not actually ever activating the cellular portion. The thing I'm confused about is when I look on Best Buy's website, it shows their price and in parentheses it says "with two-year contract". Does that mean to just buy it I have to activate a contract even if I never use the cellular portion?

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I was just looking on Best Buy's website, and I'm considering the iPad mini 4 for my P4. I think I want to get the one that has cellular as well as Wi-Fi. The Main reason I would want that version is for the GPS capability and not actually ever activating the cellular portion. The thing I'm confused about is when I look on Best Buy's website, it shows their price and in parentheses it says "with two-year contract". Does that mean to just buy it I have to activate a contract even if I never use the cellular portion?
When I bought my Air 2 + Cellular at BB there were two options with or w/o the 2 year plan. Basically they discount the price of the iPad if you agree to sign a 2 year plan with a major carrier and I assume they get a kick back. At the time (November) it was a $100 discount.

I opted to get the plan for convenience and the cost was $10 a month with AT&T. What I should have done was researched putting my phone sim into the iPad when flying, not sure if that's doable or not to be honest but it's too late now.
I just updated my Ipone with AT&T and I was given the option to buy an IPad 2 mini for $54. But I had to sign a two year contract. I've been with AT&T for years.

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.. The Main reason I would want that version is for the GPS capability

The GPS of the IPad is only used in two cases I think - one is if you move to a new location while the drone is out and want to reset the homepoint to the RC's new location..
the other is if you want the drone to follow the remote controller.

Maybe of use if you are on a boat or something moving - but maybe not worth spending 100's on if you are never going use these options - you can always use your cellphone should you need those options.

GPS on the IPad is not needed for normal RTH (return to where it took off from).
You can get a Garmin Glo or similar device to pair with an iPod mini for GPS capability. You will then not have to get an iPod with cellular capability and save quite a bit of money.

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So I guess Amazon is the way to go? Same price if not cheaper and no mention of a contract.
You can buy it at Best Buy with no contact too. Amazon would be a good option if it's cheaper though.
I bought an iPad Mini 3 w/cellular on sale a while back, not on any contract, to get the gps. I do some flying off a boat now and again, and wanted the dynamic home point. The tablet has never had a sim card in it.
If you can use your Phone as a wifi hot spot you can get the wifi only tablet and link to your phone for dynamic maps.
I just bought a new 65gb mini 4 wifi + cellular thru amazon for about $450 and had sprint guy at Best Buy pin in SIM card. Was less $$ than the mini 4 wifi 32gb I had just bought from (and now returned) to BB

For some reason it was cheaper $20 a month to put on diff sprint account. Have not tried new mini yet but old one worked ok with the new is and DJI updates. Word of caution with bb, return policies, clerk said if u want to extended return dates available for elite memdership

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