A few Newbie questions before my first flight...

The stick down delay isn't too bad. I just grab with my right hand and hold her steady.
dude i'm a new pilot and first of all take off your camera!! dont listen to those who say its a difficult procedure it isn't there are plenty of good videos on youtube to show you how. I didn't remove mine before my first flight and it cost me 450 us. Second of all you cant always take off from asphalt the bird will not always get a gps lock. Dont calibrate that much because its a separate procedure than when the bird seeks a gps lock and you might get confused. Calibrate once shut everything off then restart and make damm sure you got a gps lock. Trust me remove the camera and just fly line of sight for a week or two you dont need telemetry when you arent going to fly out of vision anyway and trust me, trust me you are going to bang up your bird and the camera is the only thing on it that costs serious $$$ to fix...

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