13 Satellites, non-GPS flight. What gives?

Nov 20, 2015
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Why is 13 satellites not enough? It went green shortly after this screencap, but why wasn't it ok from the start?
It's waiting for your home point to be set.
This is likely related to GPS signal "quality". You may have locked onto X number of sats, but the signal quality overall is not good enough from them to activate "Safe to fly GPS" mode.

Try a different location or I have heard of a firmware issue with 1.4 that sometimes causes this. But you may not be on that version.

It may have gone green as you increased altitude, away from possible interference from nearby power lines?

Have you done anything or added anything at all to the top of your Phantom?
I haven't added anything, no. I'm going to go with power lines, it did improve as she went a bit higher.
Iv had this a few times but then it connects . I think it's just one of them things satellites move and probably buildings and other power lines like has been stated . And going higher will eliminate these things .

I'd just put it down to one of them things . GPS is a great thing but iv never found my self NEEDING it . We all use it yes but I allways say learning to fly without all the fancy new tec is a must

Liverpool - England

Neil Cee
LOL I never had indoor plumbing and always managed to go to the bathroom when needed. Who needs all that newfangled stuff, anyway?!
....or too close to power lines !!
No. That would cause, if anything, a lower satellite count.

Given there is both GLONAS and GPS at play here, there may be rare conditions where the satellite information is not good enough despite the high satellite count. Old Phantoms used to go entirely off the sat count but it could be the P3 is using HDOP or other metrics to decide when the fix is good enough.
I have found the same issue in my 17 acre backyard, but Healthy Drone data indicates that it occurs between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm. Flying in the same area at other times of the day, I have "green" GPS reception.

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