
  1. LARA images

    Camera Test: P4P vs. M2P

    Here's some side-by-size photos and video grabs, including 400% zoom closeups. Despite the Hasselblad lettering on the glass, it is far less sharp than the P4P, according to WeTalkUAV See for yourself: DJI Mavic 2 Pro vs. Phantom 4 Pro v2.0!
  2. P

    P4P RAW Image Tint

    Hello everyone, First time poster here. I am having an issue with my P4P whereby JPEG previews display just fine on my computer, but the RAW files show a very strange cast/tint to them (in PS, LR, C1 and the Apple Photos App). I have uploaded files showing the output when I look at the JPG...
  3. A

    Phantom 3 SE camera, poor quality

    After few evening flying, I think this one (Phantom 3 SE) has a very noisy camera... I used ISO 100-200, but seems to be worse than the other Phantom 3 models... Any ideas, or experience?
  4. B

    [Phantom 3 Standard] Quality Issue - Help wanted

    Hi everyone, Been reading up on P3S quality debate (D-log, bitrate, etc.) but I can't seem to get anything decent out of my camera. Below a few screenshots. If anyone has any pointers, please let me know. D-LOG | 2.7K | 30fps | -1, -1, -1 Ungraded Screencap Graded Screencap Is this the normal...
  5. thefrisbee995

    Switched from P4P to Mavic...

    So I switched from my P4P to a Mavic. I thought this might be a bad idea due to the fact that the P4P camera is quite honestly amazing... On receiving the Mavic and seeing how small the camera was, I thought for sure I had made a bad decision and sacrificing quality for size would be disastrous...
  6. M

    Best quality video settings in P4 Pro? 4K disappointing.

    Hello, I have spent some time trying to get the video in 4K better, but finally it always gets 'pixelized' after You Tube compression. Here you can find link to one video I prepare, first 50 seconds (and some parts further) are done with P4P. 4K, 30fps, h264, ND8 filter, 1/60 shutter, some...
  7. M

    4K Footage in FCPX: Color Correction and Quality issues

    Hello everyone! I mistakenly posted it initially in P4 discussion, so switching here :) I have two points on the topic (also posted on Apple community to have some FCPX guys advice): 1. I work on footage from Phantom 4 PRO which is in 4K 30fps, recorded in Standard profile. When I work with...
  8. M

    P4 PRO 4K Footage in FCPX: Color Correction and Quality issues

    Hello everyone! I have also asked in Apple Community, but though it will be good to ask Phantom community as well :) I have two points on the topic 1. I work on footage from Phantom 4 PRO which is in 4K 30fps, recorded in Standard profile. When I work with proxy files, color corrections look...
  9. F

    Not very happy with the build quality of the P4P..

    Due some inexperience-ness my P4P flew against the pavement edge during landing. Not very hard and the props are still fine. I found however that a little cap from the legs was 'opened' a bit. When unscrewing I discovered a tiny plastic pin had broke off causing it not to lock tight anymore. I...
  10. S

    JPG vs. RAW Sharpness

    Hi all, Just got the phantom 3 standard the other day. Been flying around and playing with the image settings. I shoot with a DSLR in RAW all the time, so yes I get that RAW is best (I do my post in Adobe LR). To get to the point, I've noticed that my RAW images when shooting in RAW+jpg are...
  11. D

    Video is all grainy

    Hi, Wander if anyone can help with this. I was recently in Iceland and filmed a lot of waterfalls and other snowy landscapes. Upon reviewing some of my footage, a lot of it seems to be extremely grainy/noisey and basically un-useable which is very disappointing. At some points during my...
  12. Q

    Bitrate calculations and implications for best quality

    The P4P uses the following bitrates to record at the various resolutions for H.264 and H.265. H.265 C4K:4096×2160 24/25/30p @100Mbps 4K:3840×2160 24/25/30p @100Mbps 2.7K:2720×1530 24/25/30p @65Mbps 2.7K:2720×1530 48/50/60p @80Mbps FHD:1920×1080 24/25/30p @50Mbps FHD:1920×1080 48/50/60p @65Mbps...
  13. thefrisbee995

    Phantom 4 Pro Camera? OMG IT'S AMAZING!

    So I got sick of waiting for my Mavic Pro to be delivered - waited 3 months and the seller (Jessops UK) was utterly useless so I went out and bought the P4P. Having been into photography through my majority of my teens (I'm in my early twenties now), I know a good camera from an excellent camera...
  14. F

    'Blinking' cache video - NVIDIA Shield and phone

    Hi guys, Over 150 hours of successful flights and recordings with P3P. Never had any problems with video files saved on microSD cards. Live FPV on tablet also looks good! But ALL videos recorded in mobile devices' cache are... 'blinking'. I saw it before, but never used those files and didn't...
  15. I

    P4P vs P4 Camera resolution comparison

    I bought a P4P this weekend specifically for its larger imager and higher resolution camera. My application is photogrammetry as it applies to gold exploration so still image quality is more important than movie quality. The good news - resolution is better than the P4. The bad news - its not...
  16. M

    Problem with Foto and Video Quality

    Hello guys, First i have to say, that I am a german student. So my english isn't that good. I bought a Phantom 3 Professional (used) and i am very disappointed about the foto quality. The video quality is okay, but the fotos are'nt that nice. I dont have warranty anymore. Is there any...
  17. A

    P3A image quality issues

    Hi all. I'm a new owner of a P3A that i have for 1 week now. I'm a professionnal videographer, so I'm used to color grade and work on video footages (DSRL 8 bits compressed footage, but i work a lot as well on blackmagic cameras, ProRes 422 10 bits or raw video 12 bits footage). Now, i have to...
  18. J

    Are ND filters necessary?

    I've had my Phantom 4 for about a week now and absolutely loving it, however I'm going to start using it to film some more important footage now and want to make sure it's capturing the best possible quality video. Are ND filters necessary? And if so, how cheap can you get away with buying them...
  19. M

    Phantom 4 crash "IMU error"

    Hi, I have been in the RC modeling hobby for about 8 years now. Started off with a Raptor 30, then went to a Miniature Aircraft Stratus. Have had my fair share of crashes. I recently bought a Phantom 4, and IT WAS AWESOME. the video was stunning, integration of the entire system was pretty much...
  20. B

    Standard blurry video on right side

    Hi everyone! I'm new in quad copter and i have the standard with firmware ver and 2.8.2 app. I've notice in right side of video is not sharp as the center and left side. I uploaded a video to see what i mean. Is 2.7K with standard settings (auto WB, Color none) and in 25fps (the same...
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