Zenmuse on a P2V?

May 5, 2014
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Cold, Cold, Michigan
Looking at several YouTube videos on installing an H3-3D, they all show a P1 or P2. Can one be installed on a P2V? If it can be done, what sends the video back to the controller for FPV?
Really krunk?? How bout you take that chip on your shoulder somewhere else, huh?

My P2V flys just fine and does EXACTLY what I bought it to do. No compromises. No inferiority.

But to answer the OP... you're going to have a lot of issues putting the Zenmuse on a Vision, but some have been successful in doing so.


You likely WOULD be more successful swapping the Vision for a straight P2 (he says, without the vitriol of the previous poster)
I think that's a bit unfair!

Look at the cost difference and ease of setup between a fully loaded P2 and a PV2.

You are getting the same basic flight platform, with a simpler camera and FPV system. Many people are attracted for this very reason. No FPV Txs and Rxs to buy and set up, no cables to solder or attach inside the quad, just switch it all on and get into the air.

Unless you are making films, the PQ between the various cameras is minimal - once it has been edited and uploaded to Youtube, which let's face it, is what we all do. A gimbal makes the pictures smoother, but with practice, you can good results without one as well.

I very nearly bought a P2V+, but I like to tinker and play with both the hardware and software, so went down the P2 / Zenmuse route. I have friends with FC40s however, who enjoy the hobby every bit as much as I do.
Thanks ProfessorStein for the link that shows it can be done. Not that I am going to, but I know it can be done. And thanks to all the other "nice" comments also.

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