YAY! Getting my aircraft back!

Sep 2, 2021
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Prescott, AZ
After a wait of only about a week and a half, my P3S is repaired! Sent it down to Rekt Drones in the Mesa area of Phoenix and Chet rebuilt the camera (I could've probably done it myself, but I don't trust myself with those ribbon cables - one of the things on the camera that broke, in addition to the yaw arm and the pitch motor ring arm). Last I spoke to him, he was going to test-fly it sometime this past weekend, since I let him know about the connect/disconnect issues I was having with the RC. I already paid them for the repair, so all I'm waiting for now is how much it's going to cost to have it shipped back up to me (Prescott, AZ, about an hour and a half drive from PHX, but my vehicle doesn't like it 'down' there (~4000' elevation difference between here - ~5300'-over 7000' MSL - and there - ~1200' MSL).
More good news.....
In the meantime, I was chatting with someone on FBM and they came up here to visit and brought their mini AND a surprise 'gift' for me: a used Hubsan Zino (not the Pro) with all the accessories; I flew it out at a local lake park for the first time on Sunday (10/10) and it takes great pics - couldn't do video because the SD card I had in it was too small (8GB), but I've since put a 32GB card in it. Got the LAANC authorization for 400' (the max in that area, of course) and I only took it up to about 350' or so, but worked like a charm!
Guess I'm starting to get a "fleet" going, eh?
Just got the notification from the USPS site that I should be getting it back sometime today! YAY again!


Going to do some low-level test flights myself (probably only around 10' or so), both with the stock props and the 3-bladed, carbon fiber, low-noise ones I have for it.
Well, I found out I can't use the 3-bladed, CF low noise props with my P3S. Did a test flight (two, actually....one with the stock props and the 2nd with the CF ones). On takeoff, the motors would run faster, then slower, then faster, alternately and almost flipped the P3S over before I got it landed (I was only at about 4-5'). Guess I'm not going to be using those again.
With the stock ones, however, the first time I took off, it started gyrating wildly in several directions and I literally had to 'fight' it to get it to land. I did an IMU calibration (took about 5-6 minutes of just sitting there), and the next flight was pretty uneventful, so I'm thinking that when Rekt Drones in PHX flight tested it, they forgot to do that, because they said it was trying to flip on them on takeoff, with stock props. Gonna have to let them know about that.
It's 'purple' now - LOL. 2nd pic shows the 3-bladed ones I was trying out.
3-bladed carbon fiber props.JPG

Only took 2 pictures with it, just to make sure the camera was working correctly (it was).
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