Good evening and sorry if this topic has appeared here again. First of all, I know that there are different regulations from country to country and you have to register the drone.
We start from Europe a world trip and fly first to Brazil , peru and possibly to america
I would like to know what your experiences are regarding a drone. We would not like to buy the mini 3 pro but the Air2s. In Brazil and Usa it is only about the pure import of the drone , since we will spend only a few days there. Can you tell me from experience how strict the controls are in the airport and could you be confiscated drone because you have not regestriert this for example?
For certain countries, it's just a matter of being able to take the drone with you.
We start from Europe a world trip and fly first to Brazil , peru and possibly to america
I would like to know what your experiences are regarding a drone. We would not like to buy the mini 3 pro but the Air2s. In Brazil and Usa it is only about the pure import of the drone , since we will spend only a few days there. Can you tell me from experience how strict the controls are in the airport and could you be confiscated drone because you have not regestriert this for example?
For certain countries, it's just a matter of being able to take the drone with you.