Who was flying last night?

Jun 4, 2016
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Mt.Albert, Ontario, Canada
I was up around 7:45pm last night, cruising waypoints & between 3-4 at approx. 220', I see a Phantom cruise above me really moving, like hardover in a huge yaw.(right word?)
It was a Phantom for sure, model I don;t know. He was on a mission & out site in seconds,heading South
I was at Hwy#48, about 2 miles South of Davis Drive, corner of that huge forest conservation area.
Did you take a picture?
Likely not reading the thread or care to admit...
So no video of the culprit?

That was my first thought, drone takes out drone!
I did snap away, but pics of of naked sky.
I;m wondering if its the same one I saw, that kinda pushed me into getting a Phantom.
First Phnatom siteing- I was in my local park, but much to windy to fly my little Syma (May) & above I saw this "thing" coming from the South, fighting the wind & winning. It paused, , 200' right above the park, & then leaning over hard, headed back South at much speed, all happened in 8-10 seconds & took my breath way,

JDHill, I know your kidding me, aren't you! you are right?
No, I;m not paranoid!
Unless you have something to hide, in your profile is a spot where you can add your location. Personally I think it's nice to at least see the name of the State listed.

I'm sure several people have read the 1st post thinking that everyone on this forum must be forum the same location.
Unless you have something to hide, in your profile is a spot where you can add your location. Personally I think it's nice to at least see the name of the State listed.

I'm sure several people have read the 1st post thinking that everyone on this forum must be forum the same location.

Was just gonna say this....
That was my first thought, drone takes out drone!
I did snap away, but pics of of naked sky.
I;m wondering if its the same one I saw, that kinda pushed me into getting a Phantom.
First Phnatom siteing- I was in my local park, but much to windy to fly my little Syma (May) & above I saw this "thing" coming from the South, fighting the wind & winning. It paused, , 200' right above the park, & then leaning over hard, headed back South at much speed, all happened in 8-10 seconds & took my breath way,

JDHill, I know your kidding me, aren't you! you are right?
No, I;m not paranoid!
Of course I was kidding, lol. When I first read it I did not even know your location ( I see you added it now). I'm in Mississippi, so I doubt it was me you saw. Lol
I had something similar happen about a month ago. We were having a cookout and I was showing off my Bebop 2 with range extender (My P3A will arrive tomorrow BTW). I've flown this all over the rural area where I live out to about 2 miles. Just as I was landing in my back yard, my son and son-in-law start pointing up and as I look up, a Phantom 3 (I assume P3) comes over the house about 100ft up. It was comical because as soon as we all three stop and start to stare and point, it does a fast about face and speeds off in the opposite direction. As I said, I live in a pretty rural area and know most of the neighbors so it was pretty surprising to see another drone in my back yard.

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