Tv show "star" takes to piloting the phantom

Feb 19, 2014
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The History channel's "In Search of Aliens" will now feature a phantom.
Just watched a promo for the upcoming series host. Giorgio taking to the skies over a favorite spot with a phantom.
You can be damned sure that if he flies it in the USA, the FAA will be on his case in a heartbeat.
And just maybe the FAA will start some flack over the fact the cable company was using it for commercial purposes.
The FAA will only grant favorable status to whichever organizations and companies bribe the most politicians to look the other way. It's been like that in DC for over 150 years.

I fully expect the NRA and oil companies to be flying (armed) drones over our heads anytime soon and we won't hear a peep from the FAA.
It has always been about how much money ya got to waste to get what you want.
Like in the good old days of the radio airwaves, big bucks got the song played more often.
Ya have to ask how it is that a congress person got from rags to millionaire status in one term.
It sure as hell wasn't because of their salary alone.

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