Tucson at Night

Thanks. I just flew it freehand. Willy is my production assistant / key grip. He gets paid in Dairy Queen.
....and THIS is why the rest of us get a bad reputation and the FAA limits those of us that are properly commercially licensed.

1. Illegal Night Flight
2. Illegal Flight over People
3. Illegal Flight beyond visual range of the Pilot
4. Illegal Flight without the required VO
(Visual Observer....because you clearly don't know)
5. Illegal Flight with 5 miles of an airport (Class C Airspace Violation)
6. .....and of course there is the poor/jerky piloting and incorrect camera settings....but that's just stupid....not illegal.

I WILL be reporting this flight video to the FAA FSDO (Flight Safety District Office....because you clearly don't know) in Scottsdale.
....and THIS is why the rest of us get a bad reputation and the FAA limits those of us that are properly commercially licensed.

1. Illegal Night Flight
2. Illegal Flight over People
3. Illegal Flight beyond visual range of the Pilot
4. Illegal Flight without the required VO
(Visual Observer....because you clearly don't know)
5. Illegal Flight with 5 miles of an airport (Class C Airspace Violation)
6. .....and of course there is the poor/jerky piloting and incorrect camera settings....but that's just stupid....not illegal.

I WILL be reporting this flight video to the FAA FSDO (Flight Safety District Office....because you clearly don't know) in Scottsdale.

Since your saying your the professional, maybe first you should be a little more polite and try to teach if the pilot doesn't know and then maybe be a little forward if he persist on doing something wrong. WOW !!!!!
Since your saying your the professional, maybe first you should be a little more polite and try to teach if the pilot doesn't know and then maybe be a little forward if he persist on doing something wrong. WOW !!!!!
I agree with you that new pilots need to be taught the correct/legal/safe way to enjoy their equipment. HOWEVER, with all the information available, including the information that comes in the box with ALL drone equipment sold by DJI, it is impossible for a new owner to NOT know the basic legalities of Drone operation I noted in my post that this pilot chose to ignore. In doing so he added to the negative feelings of many individuals, municipalities and regulatory agencies toward those of us using this equipment legally. IF he had come to the forum to ASK questions regarding his planned flight or to ASK for some help being taught the legal and illegal uses of his device he WOULD have been offered all the help in the world....and offered it politely as their are no stupid questions from a new pilot. He choose NOT to ask for help. He choose NOT to adhere to the laws. He made a decision to violate several laws that are in place for good reasons and then posted the resulting video expecting everyone to tell him how great his work is but clearly not ready to accept responsibility for breaking the law.
I'm a jerk because I follow THE LAW??? Interesting perspective.

No, you're a jerk because of your manner and presumptive attitude. You're rude, and you do not seem to understand "the law" at all. The FAA does not have regulatory authority over hobbyist drone flights, period. This flight was not in prohibited airspace, and proper notifications were sent using Airmap. There is no FAA issue here but I am sure being accurate is not your concern. People like you just get a kick out of being controlling know-it-alls and making threats. As pointed out above, maybe there were some things to learn here about safety issues, but nobody will ever learn anything from you because you are just a jerk. Well knock yourself out with your FAA report, Deputy Fife of the Mayberry Drone Police. By participating in this forum I accept that I will sometimes have to deal with trolls like you. By the way, I love your safety vest. Do you wear it to bed?
Lets tone it down a bit in here. Keep it friendly and by the guidelines here. Thank you.

MikeFlight, please cite your sources so they others can see. Keep in mind some of the 'guidelines' from the FAA are not hard set.
For example, AMA members can fly at night and over 400'.
SOURCE: Update – UAS Registration Frequently Asked Questions
No, you're a jerk because of your manner and presumptive attitude. You're rude, and you do not seem to understand "the law" at all. The FAA does not have regulatory authority over hobbyist drone flights, period. This flight was not in prohibited airspace, and proper notifications were sent using Airmap. There is no FAA issue here but I am sure being accurate is not your concern. People like you just get a kick out of being controlling know-it-alls and making threats. As pointed out above, maybe there were some things to learn here about safety issues, but nobody will ever learn anything from you because you are just a jerk. Well knock yourself out with your FAA report, Deputy Fife of the Mayberry Drone Police. By participating in this forum I accept that I will sometimes have to deal with trolls like you. By the way, I love your safety vest. Do you wear it to bed?

Interesting that since you and I disagree on the legality of what you did you automatically dismiss my comments by calling me a troll. I'm sorry but, despite your hiding behind that troll label, as well as others that choose to agree with you, I still find that your actions were not in keeping with the spirit or the law regarding drone operations and thus negatively impact the rest of us. Based on the buildings and streets shown in your video, portions of your flight were within the 5 statue mile inner radius of DMA which enforces airspace from the surface to 6,600 ft. as can easily be seen on the KTUS VFR Sectional which applies to all of us....hobby or commercial. Now I will admit that some of your flight path was on the edge of this airspace and perhaps arguable, however your Fox Theater and Rialto flybys were clearly within the No Flight Zone as well as the shots of the One South Church building in which you also exceeded the height flight restriction.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I WILL admit that your Airmap software DOES show that you were outside the 5sm limit and this confuses me. Historically to determine that distance in relation to specific ground locations an interested party simply overlays the KTUS VFR sectional over Google Earth which shows YOUR flight path as being between 4.2 and 4.6 miles from DMA. Thus you were illegal by that measurement. I am TOTALLY unclear why Airmap has this discrepancy from the FAA Sectional. As a licensed aircraft pilot I must adhere to the FAA Sectional. As a licensed commercial drone operator I admit I'd rather use the Airmap information as it gives me more room to roam. I will contact the FAA FSDO and ask them to help me understand this discrepancy and if they will allow drone operations based on the Airmap information. I will post my findings here. I DO know that, under the new, new rules, no service, which would include Airmap, can legally provide any NOTAMS or flight clearances or notifications for you. In fact, while we used to keep in contact with the appropriate control tower by aircraft radio to obtain clearances as needed, today, neither local towers, airport management, operators or FBO's are allowed to provide any form of clearance and all of them must refer you to the FAA website to file a request which takes up to 90 days to be approved. This is one of the ridiculous rules AOPA and others in the industry are trying to "fix".

Distance aside, my other notes including flight at night, flight over people and flight beyond visual range are all FAA violations whether hobby or commercial. Being a hobbyist DOES give you MUCH greater flexibility than commercial operators but basic regulations and safety guidelines still exist and are enforceable and you chose to ignore them. Sorry to peg you with this but there is no way you can plead ignorance and for this industry to be successful in the long term it must be self-policing (what you call trolling) for the good of all of us.....hobbyist and commercial operators alike. The rules are not at all convenient and are restrictive of many things we'd like to do and feel we can do safely...but we must work WITH the FAA to work for change.
OK. Thanks to the administrator for the link to the AMA FAQ's.

It would seem that AMA members do not share the restrictions for distance, altitude, night flight, FPV or much of anything else that pertains to the rest of us in the drone community. While this is obviously very good news for AMA members, as an aircraft pilot it makes me very nervous as I no longer have that buffer of distance, altitude or time of day visual observation of small aircraft that I thought I had. As a commercial drone operator it makes me angry. Not at the AMA but at the FAA for allowing such a huge discrepancy between uses and safety requirements for the same category of aircraft. Maybe this accounts for the discrepancies I noted earlier regarding the Airmap software.

I will back off with apologies for not understanding the magnitude of the inequities in the system.
Constructive, relevant, on topic post please. MikeFlight agrees the system is as clear as mud.
Lets move on from the arguing. You can point out issues or problems but do it without all the smug name calling.

Last warning in this thread.
I thought my last post especially WAS a constructive, relevant, on topic post. I even apologized.

Not good enough I guess. Wouldn't want to address real subjects or stray from the hobby fun of this equipment.

I do however appreciate the introduction to those special rules you pointed out that aren't available to the rest of us which seem to successfully argue against ALL of the points I initially brought up regarding that particular flight video and how it would be impossible and unthinkable in MY world.

I also learning of the discrepancies between that Airmap software and the official FAA Sectional charts which I need to research and understand better.

I've spent so much time keeping the FAA happy, as it controls roughly half of my income, that I've missed the options for getting around them. Moving forward I'll be better informed.

Finally..........I asked my wife why this guy mentioned her so negatively on this forum....and she has no clue....nor do I. Does he recognize her by recognizing me in the photo of me working (rather than a photo of my dog)? Is he stalking her? I didn't expect DJI to support such behavior. Now we have to watch out for him and be prepared to identify him. (I grabbed a frame of him from his video). Drone safety aside, the safety of my family is more important. That alone is enough to make this a place I don't want to be.........sooooooo.............I'll save you the trouble and ban myself (...and the crowd goes wild!!!!!!!!!!)
I thought my last post especially WAS a constructive, relevant, on topic post. I even apologized.

Not good enough I guess. Wouldn't want to address real subjects or stray from the hobby fun of this equipment.

I do however appreciate the introduction to those special rules you pointed out that aren't available to the rest of us which seem to successfully argue against ALL of the points I initially brought up regarding that particular flight video and how it would be impossible and unthinkable in MY world.

I also learning of the discrepancies between that Airmap software and the official FAA Sectional charts which I need to research and understand better.

I've spent so much time keeping the FAA happy, as it controls roughly half of my income, that I've missed the options for getting around them. Moving forward I'll be better informed.

Finally..........I asked my wife why this guy mentioned her so negatively on this forum....and she has no clue....nor do I. Does he recognize her by recognizing me in the photo of me working (rather than a photo of my dog)? Is he stalking her? I didn't expect DJI to support such behavior. Now we have to watch out for him and be prepared to identify him. (I grabbed a frame of him from his video). Drone safety aside, the safety of my family is more important. That alone is enough to make this a place I don't want to be.........sooooooo.............I'll save you the trouble and ban myself (...and the crowd goes wild!!!!!!!!!!)
I removed post from both of you. I am attempting to stop the back & forth bickering. I don't think you have any worries of him stalking you. And we are in no way affiliated with DJI.

Anyone in the USA can join the AMA and those AMA rules only apply to hobby flights, as soon as it is commercial in nature you must follow the part 107 rules which are much more restrictive. The AMA rules have applied for decades and then quadcoptors became cheap and that meant anyone with more money than brains could buy one at the local hobby shop, pop it out of the box and they were airborne. No knowledge and up they go into the wild blue yonder. I still believe the FAA should create a license or permit system where the operator is educated and earns a license/permit to fly an RC aircraft. Nothing will stop irresponsible operators but at least a license will get the needed education to the responsible operators.
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So AMA "rules" have the force of law? They mandatorily apply to hobbyists who are not AMA members? Can you give me the statutory or regulatory citation for that? I would like to learn more about these laws I am supposedly breaking.
So AMA "rules" have the force of law? They mandatorily apply to hobbyists who are not AMA members? Can you give me the statutory or regulatory citation for that? I would like to learn more about these laws I am supposedly breaking.
The AMA has its own rules which members must abide by and it is a government recognized 'community organization' that has worked with the FAA for decades. The FAA Administrator can pursue enforcement action against persons operating model aircraft who endanger the safety of the national airspace system.

Use these links to educate yourself on UAV rules in the USA...

Fly for Fun

Also important to hobby operators is - SEC. 336. SPECIAL RULE FOR MODEL AIRCRAFT.
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