Traveling abroad. I need help

Apr 1, 2015
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Hi guys.

I am from Costa Rica and I am planning to visit Spain, Italy and France on next December and I was thinking of carrying my P3A. My biggest concern is regarding the use of drones in public places, since, to the best of my knowledge, they have a strong regulation in this matter.

I appreciate any help.

Many Thanks.

Pura Vida
Went to Jamaica this past summer with mine no problems at all but have no idea about Europe. I think you should be ok just carry it on the plane with you especially the batteries as you can't put those below with checked bags.
spain and france are no drone countries.
That's not true at all.
Of course do not expect to fly over Paris, or you'll sure get in trouble.

But here in France the rules are the same as nearly everywhere else, maybe with the difference that there is now a law stating what is forbidden.

To make it simple, it is based on common sense. See this leaflet from the DGAC (FAA equivalent)

What it says in substance for leisure drones:
1- Don't fly your UAV above people
2- Don't fly above 150m/450ft
3- Keep it in sight
4- Don't fly over public space in urban areas
5- Don't fly near airports or airfields
6- Don't fly over "sensitive" zones (eg. nuclear plants)
7- Don't fly at night
8- Respect others privacy
9- It is forbidden to publish pictures/film without permission of people involved and forbidden to make a commercial use of these materials
10- If you do not know what is allowed or forbidden: ask.

As for air space restrictions, you may use this tool.
Cartographie spécifique aux Drones en France

As you will see, there are no fly zones... but plenty of space around!
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Pierrot78 is spot on. I just returned from a 3 week holiday in Spain 200 KM NW of Madrid. The rules are clear. Spain is a no drone country as it applies to commercial usage. For the hobbyist, the police don't like them in the Plazas but don't stop you from flying if you are flying responsibly. It's my thought that within the next 3 years, most of the EU will require even the hobbyist to carry a license to fly......which will require tests and license fees......which will generate a whole new level of revenue.......a license and testing (in my opinion) is crucial to the future of this hobby. I cringe reading some of the postings here from guys saying they just got their P3 today and joe do they turn on the "abc".....!!!! Frightening that this dangerous machine that can hurt you is being flown by people who open the box and throw away the user manual. That's my 2 cents. Cheers.

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