Tracking a moving object

Feb 17, 2016
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I have been mucking around sharpening my skills (trying) flying and recording.
Its not easy tracking a moving object even when its heading and speed are constant.
The hardest thing is judging distance and height particularly when the ground is not level through FPV. Having an observer helps a lot although you have to resist the "your miles above mate lower lower"I always add 3 m elevation too this advice.
Bright sunlight and millions of flies add to the challenge
Moving the phantom sideways while focused on the object looks good but maintaining a parallel path is difficult.
I wasn't game enough to get too close (the shots would have been more impressive ) and I don't think they would even notice a P3 going through the windrower.
Since I bought the P3A I have been having trouble with washed out colours and over exposure (you can see that in the first bit) and I get this funny bright spot on the video when the sun is very low and intense behind the P3
I tried Vivid in the settings but it still isn't the true colour.
I have noted that what you see on the tablet screen is quite different to what you see on a PC .Almost always more over exposed than I thought and flatter colours
I would appreciate some advice
I have been mucking around sharpening my skills (trying) flying and recording.
Its not easy tracking a moving object even when its heading and speed are constant.
The hardest thing is judging distance and height particularly when the ground is not level through FPV. Having an observer helps a lot although you have to resist the "your miles above mate lower lower"I always add 3 m elevation too this advice.
Bright sunlight and millions of flies add to the challenge
Moving the phantom sideways while focused on the object looks good but maintaining a parallel path is difficult.
I wasn't game enough to get too close (the shots would have been more impressive ) and I don't think they would even notice a P3 going through the windrower.
Since I bought the P3A I have been having trouble with washed out colours and over exposure (you can see that in the first bit) and I get this funny bright spot on the video when the sun is very low and intense behind the P3
I tried Vivid in the settings but it still isn't the true colour.
I have noted that what you see on the tablet screen is quite different to what you see on a PC .Almost always more over exposed than I thought and flatter colours
I would appreciate some advice
Change the camera mode 2 manual and change the ISO and shutter speed you can achieve a better picture by this method also play around with exposure setting
I made a short video showing examples of this and you can see the results of changing the iso and shutter speed.
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Have you looked at the Litchi app? It has a track mode specifically designed to follow moving objects! Supposed to be able to simply track or to orbit around the moving target. Haven't tried track mode yet on my bird, but interesting possibilities.
I did have litchi on my first s tab that gave up the ghost before I had time to use the app I have read about track and orbit but don't remember the details .A bad experience with the follow me function has made me a bit cautious of these options .
Have you looked at the Litchi app? It has a track mode specifically designed to follow moving objects! Supposed to be able to simply track or to orbit around the moving target. Haven't tried track mode yet on my bird, but interesting possibilities.
Make sure it is above ALL surrounding objects and have your finger on the toggle ready to switch to P mode if you hit the follow button in track mode.
Unlike the follow me function, track doesn't use GPS on your phone. It actually analyses the video feed and works to keep the tracked object in the center of the field of view. Biggest issu will be having sufficient contrast between the tracked object and background. Litchi does state that, as one might expect, tracking takes a lot of processing and requires a high end tablet or phone. I'll be interested to see if my iPad mini 4 can keep up.
In my experience, the "tracking" feature on Litchi doesn't work all that well (at least not for me). The camera movement is very jerky and has a difficult time keeping the subject in the picture. If the subject is moving incredibly slow, it seems to be okay. However, if its moving at more than a brisk walk, I run in to problems. In all fairness, I've only tried this feature a few times and plan on exploring it a bit more in the spring.
It needs lots of light/contrast/luck. But it is a interesting feature.
I'm not a photographer, but I see fps. set @ 24 gives a smoother feel. FPS. set @ 60 will allow better slow motion clarity.
I've used the lichi track and the orbit while track function.. Worked perfectly with the ipad 4 mini and the p3p.. Smooth movements and always kept me in centre shot.

Even though I tried to confuse the bird it kept up.

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk
My other attempts at side on tracking
First I wasn't parallel to the row the second part the ground was rising fast.
Course Lock is an option that I hadn't thought of.It could work I have never tried it .
Id like to master it manually though. Reminds me of the old RC aircraft days .

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