This popup/redirect is making the site unusable.

Mar 9, 2018
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For the last week I have been bombarded by this ad on my mobile device:

It redirects away from phantompilots and forces the page open in its place. Ive done everything I can think of on my end to stop it to no avail. It makes PP unusable and is constantly invasive, usually after every few page loads.

I understand the need for ads to fund the site. This one is insane.

Hope I've posted this in the correct forum.
For the last week I have been bombarded by this ad on my mobile device:

It redirects away from phantompilots and forces the page open in its place. Ive done everything I can think of on my end to stop it to no avail. It makes PP unusable and is constantly invasive, usually after every few page loads.

I understand the need for ads to fund the site. This one is insane.

Hope I've posted this in the correct forum.

I reported it to the Mods/ Admin. Should see a response soon.
For the last week I have been bombarded by this ad on my mobile device:

It redirects away from phantompilots and forces the page open in its place. Ive done everything I can think of on my end to stop it to no avail. It makes PP unusable and is constantly invasive, usually after every few page loads.

I understand the need for ads to fund the site. This one is insane.

Hope I've posted this in the correct forum.
Yeah it's happening to me every time to that I sign on the pain in the butt they need to make it go away
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Turned off Java to make it stop on mi iPhone.
I wasn’t sure if this was a device or site issue when I smashed the report button in post 2.

So far this is the only site I've had this issue on. Had this device for a year or so and stick to safe places with it. Antivirus and malware fully updated and running as well.
You know I will do whatever I can to help but this is beyond me.

I mean psss it on to the wizards.

I don’t have all the site features when Java is disabled.
Thanks guys. I’ve reported this to our ad network. Hopefully they will find the ad that is causing it and have it removed ASAP.

FWIW, I've been trying to recreate it for a day or so when it was first reported and have been unable so it must be something specific to devices, browser, cookies, etc..

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