The new view on war

It is devastating to see the destruction. There is nothing left! No wonder why they are fleeing the country. It looks more like a console video game. Crazy.
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That's a shame that this is real life events. Like Luv said, just doesn't seem real. Make you really appreciate what you have.
Ironic video, A phantom which the US gov is convinced is dangerous and they are trying to regulate recorded a city blown to hell by US weapons and money, probably predator drones that bombed the hell out of that place.

What a cluster, the gov can have assassin drones but we can't have toys with cameras on them.

As long as the drone wars continue my drone will fly and not be in a government database for these hypocrites.
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Ironic video, A phantom which the US gov is convinced is dangerous and they are trying to regulate recorded a city blown to hell by US weapons and money, probably predator drones that bombed the hell out of that place.

What a cluster, the gov can have assassin drones but we can't have toys with cameras on them.

As long as the drone wars continue my drone will fly and not be in a government database for these hypocrites.

Can you please substantiate the underlined statements above?

Hard to take anything you write seriously.
Can you please substantiate the underlined statements above?

Hard to take anything you write seriously.

Did you watch the video at all? The Syrian video was recorded on a DJI product, a product the FAA thinks is dangerous and needs regulation. Just last week new leaker published a report that shows that 9 out of 10 people murdered by US drone strikes were not even the target of the strike. While at the same time the federal government held a press conference saying our flying toys need regulation.

ISIS don't have an Air Force and didn't destroy that city, US taxpayers did. Maybe you don't understand me because you're grossly uninformed on the topics.
The DJI products are not dangerous.
They way some people use them, and others' as well, do pose a safety risk to the NAS in some cases.

I have several toys with cameras in and on them.
Why can't you have any?

Where exactly is my area of misinformation?
So no substantiation then?

Just name calling???
I never said DJI products are dangerous. The FAA thinks so, you're either trolling or stupid. I can't tell.

There is nothing in that video that indicates it was video taped from a DJI product. Here a translation from the Russian comments on youtube

"T 72 Syrian army hit the positions of militants, the sun is not visible from the steaming area, working fighters CAP, mortars, zushki. The offensive. This material is removed the group Channel voenkora Rossiya24 Eugene Poddubny. Operators - A.Pushin, R.Merobov, engineer - S.Elovsky. Music - Crystal Method - High Rolle. Baseline videos © owned RTR TV channel "Russia" "

You should really stay out of the sun as it has affected you thinking.
There is nothing in that video that indicates it was video taped from a DJI product. Here a translation from the Russian comments on youtube

"T 72 Syrian army hit the positions of militants, the sun is not visible from the steaming area, working fighters CAP, mortars, zushki. The offensive. This material is removed the group Channel voenkora Rossiya24 Eugene Poddubny. Operators - A.Pushin, R.Merobov, engineer - S.Elovsky. Music - Crystal Method - High Rolle. Baseline videos © owned RTR TV channel "Russia" "

You should really stay out of the sun as it has affected you thinking.

The Russians have embedded drones they use with their tanks and fly DJI products around. I believe the first OP video was recorded with an Inspire 1.

If you watch more of their channels it's obvious this is DJI.

Jonathan Wight on Twitter
Amazing commercial drone (DJI Phantom?) footage of Russia’s involvement in Syria:

ISIS also has DJI and that's as far as their Air Force goes. Obviously there are more places to get information than the OP video.
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There is nothing in that video that indicates it was video taped from a DJI product.

It's Phantom 3. Check other videos on his channel. There are several "independent journalists" doing it. Some Russian, some American, some Euro. For example:

Skip to 2:37 for extreme compass calibration.

Interestingly enough, both Assad and rebels are running around with Gopros. On youtube, there are long 1 hour tank battle videos from both sides.

But most fascinating of all is that people have tracked down video footage of battles from both sides and edited it together so you see the battle unfold from both sides.
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Why is it on so many threads on here some one ends up getting their panties bunched up and people start opening a can of verbal whoop a$$ on eachother. Come on guys, do I have to get my paddle out?!?!?
Maybe it's just the implied sight of human destruction and homicide which brings out the 'best' in people.

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