The Biggest Impact Drones SHOULD Have on Humans?

Definitely. Not only could they be used by governments to collect trash but they could also be used commercially. This is a musical festival when everyone has gone home. Solar powered drones could clean this up.

Still no excuse for people leaving all this trash behind but using drones would be an ideal solution.

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Hardly efficient to use drones to pick up trash . though drone use will grow and grow i doubt we'll see trash drones . easier and cheaper to use a small skidsteer with rake attachment for this kind of mess . people make me sick when i see stuff like this and to imagine our oceans are loaded and dying because of our trash
That depends on ones perspective. If the US military can use predator drones to rain down death and destruction at will then why can't that same technology be used for the better of man. The fact of the matter is it can and it is, the United States is just so far behind in drone technology because elsewhere in the world they're making a difference for the better. Of course the US government doesn't report that they only report what they want you to know which is the negative.
I’m not getting that conspiratorial on it. I’m just talking everyday “bad”, not industrial-grade tinfoil bad. Just simple things like we’re seeing now: spying on the neighbors and putting the video you shot through their bedroom window on an Internet porn site. Using drones as lookouts for drug dealers in the streets, or even using the drone to make the transactions. Maybe simply scoping out people’s property for burglary planning.. for every lofty “for the betterment of man” use you can come up with, the grim reality is that there will be two uses to make somebody an illicit buck. Welcome to the real world...
Hardly efficient to use drones to pick up trash . though drone use will grow and grow i doubt we'll see trash drones . easier and cheaper to use a small skidsteer with rake attachment for this kind of mess . people make me sick when i see stuff like this and to imagine our oceans are loaded and dying because of our trash
You’re making the assumption that the drones have to fly....
You’re making the assumption that the drones have to fly....

True Dwilliams35, I made a video about this week showing high land, surface water and deep water can be cleaned using drones.
I agree drone technology has the ability to affect every aspect of Our Lives for the good.

How is that? Delivering our Amazon and Walmart packages and pizza?

I foresee even more "manned" jobs ended, because a drone can do it for a fraction of cost, increased unemployment, terrorist exploitation of drones, people getting killed by Amazon drones dropping out of the sky. Personally I'd give an Amazon drone a quick "Paint Bomb paint job" if it landed on my porch and blew over my beer.

I love tech, but sometimes it gets so stupid, we have to keep some of the old ways for the sake of employing people and quit creating a society of lazy people that merely press a button to get everything done. I just saw this morning that the, internet car dealer(CarVana) has an actual car vending machine. People buy the car online, put their money in this machine and the car is delivered out of the machine like a can of soda. I can tell you I NEED and WANT to see the car in person before I bought it.....and talk to the actual seller in person.

So tired of this "gotta be instant, automated, convenient, online does everything, 16 year olds making 2 million dollars a year via youtube doing "V-Logs, bologna"

I wouldn't be hesitant to be transported back to 1984
....Personally I'd give an Amazon drone a quick "Paint Bomb paint job" if it landed on my porch and blew over my beer.

But I'd bet you'd also be the one to go all ballistic if someone "paint bombed" your sUAS if it came over their property and disturbed them? Very disappointing to see one of our own take such a stance.
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If I got so low as to blow over someones beer on their property....I hope they wack my drone with a ball bat!!!
If I got so low as to blow over someones beer on their property....I hope they wack my drone with a ball bat!!!

Ah so you'd be perfectly alright so long as it didn't get down to beer level? SMH
Ah so you'd be perfectly alright so long as it didn't get down to beer level? SMH

I'm trying to go about this photography drone thing the right way, by flying responsible and registering, so I plan to not deliberately fly in a disturbing way over someones property and if Amazon has to fly over my property at a reasonable height, then ok. I won't like it, but what say would I have? Deliver my package and knock over my flower pot on the porch or something? We have problems.
Definitely. Not only could they be used by governments to collect trash but they could also be used commercially. This is a musical festival when everyone has gone home. Solar powered drones could clean this up.

Still no excuse for people leaving all this trash behind but using drones would be an ideal solution.

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I am really really glad i don't live where that festival was! I've been to scores of festivals and have never seen such a mess. Not even Woodstock 68 was that bad. It will be intersting to see the development of commercial drones. I think autonomous trash pick up or removal of pollution is a ways off yet. The under sea applications seem much more likely in the near future.
Definitely. Not only could they be used by governments to collect trash but they could also be used commercially. This is a musical festival when everyone has gone home. Solar powered drones could clean this up.

Still no excuse for people leaving all this trash behind but using drones would be an ideal solution.

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Clinton rally?
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Or make prisoners pick it up, hire some local kids to clean it up.

I think drones are cool and can't wait to film with them, getting neat areo movies, but all this Sci-Fi stuff with drones delivering packages by air to your door, cleaning up trash and everyone in the neighborhood owning a drone for some sort of convenience, is so stupid to me. Also they aren't high tech, been around for decades, military and such and it's just a rotor craft linked to GPS like a phone and nothing more than an old school RC helicopter with GPS location and a camera stuck on it.

As far as drones flying around with A.I intelligent, saying hello to me as it delivers my Amazon package on my porch on a nice, sunny day while drinking my StarBucks.....oh screw that, lol....I hope I'm long gone by then. Tech is cool, but sometimes it has to stop....I'm not going to live in some Terminator movie, lmao.
more of a Jetson's cartoon if they're just delivering packages.... I hope.

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