"Sexiest Photography" from any Aerial Platform.


And these photos are untouched . I couldn't believe the the progression of colors. Simply amazing.


How it started

coming from mars
Hey Frogburner...
Your aerial shots are neat I really enjoyed the bride shot and the tractor shot. The water park was a neat shot but the colors were a little flat. I am a photo editor and I popped up the contrast and saturated the colors a little... well actually quite a bit to make it look more realistic. shoot me an email to [email protected] and I'll email it to you to compare. If you like it I'll help you know how to do it yourself if you like.
(Been a photgrapher since 1967, first aerial photos since 1968. Have a few skills. Happy to help)

Hi there, when I come to uploading my pictures could you have a go at editing a couple so I can see what They could turn out like when edited. Would love to get some pointers on how to edit photos good. You sound the man for the job... would be greatly appreciated!

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