Release DJI Ground Station for P2V+ Waypoints app 1.0.41

Re: Ground Station With Waypoints

So, unless I want to crazy acrobatics there is no need in activating the NAZAM mode? With all the videos I watch on youtube these folks are saying that the vision plus comes out of the box with the S1 toggle switch set to active the Return To Home feature and the S2 toggle switch is set to toggle from GPS mode and the ITTAT More or whatever its called. Is this correct?
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints

kymedic121 said:
So, unless I want to crazy acrobatics there is no need in activating the NAZAM mode? With all the videos I watch on youtube these folks are saying that the vision plus comes out of the box with the S1 toggle switch set to active the Return To Home feature and the S2 toggle switch is set to toggle from GPS mode and the ITTAT More or whatever its called. Is this correct?

In Vision mode (the default), S1 selects GPS mode (up position), or ATTI mode (either of the other two positions). S2 is inactive. To manually trigger a Return to Home (RTH), you turn off the controller.

In NAZA mode, S1 is GPS Mode (pos 1), ATTI Mode (pos 2), or either FAILSAFE (RTH) or MANUAL (pos 3). I would select Failsafe.

In NAZA mode, you can also enable Intelligent Orientation Control (IOC) for S2, allowing Course Lock, Heading Lock, & Home Lock

Course Lock - Forward is the direction the bird is facing.
Heading Lock - Forward is the direction the Bird was facing when initiated, regardless of orientation.
Home Lock - Forward is away from Home Point. Back is towards Home Point, regardless of orientation.
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

Gotcha, I will go ahead and enable the Naza M Mode so I can configure the S1 Bottom position to RTH and I wIll Leave the S2 Inactive. I would never activate the Manual Mode that seems like suicide to me LOL.
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

kymedic121 said:
Gotcha, I will go ahead and enable the Naza M Mode so I can configure the S1 Bottom position to RTH and I wIll Leave the S2 Inactive. I would never activate the Manual Mode that seems like suicide to me LOL.

If you are enabling NAZA, you may as well enable the IOC as well. Home Lock comes in handy knowing you can just pull back on the right stick and she will return to you no matter which way she is pointing. You can rotate her with the left stick to get some cool pan shots too. Just always remember to start your flights with both switches in the UP position. Then it is just like being in Vision mode.
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

So, just enable the OIC on the S2 toggle switch and if I wanted to do a Home Lock I would just flip the S2 switch to Home Lock and then pull back on the right joy stick to have it bring her back to me? Do you hold the right joy stick back continuously or just flip the S2 and pull back on the joy stick and let go?
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

Mori55 I have watched over 100 videos in 4 days. Every one in the videos have done a wonderful job of showing you physically what it will do but no one explains how to make those things happen. I consider myself to be a very intelligent individual with vast technical and computer experience but many of the manuals are pretty vague at best. Why read for several hours when someone who has been flying one for quite sometime can tell me in two sentences? Not being rude, but please know I have watched tons of the videos and read until my eyes have crossed.
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

Dirty Bird said:
kymedic121 said:
Gotcha, I will go ahead and enable the Naza M Mode so I can configure the S1 Bottom position to RTH and I wIll Leave the S2 Inactive. I would never activate the Manual Mode that seems like suicide to me LOL.

If you are enabling NAZA, you may as well enable the IOC as well. Home Lock comes in handy knowing you can just pull back on the right stick and she will return to you no matter which way she is pointing. You can rotate her with the left stick to get some cool pan shots too. Just always remember to start your flights with both switches in the UP position. Then it is just like being in Vision mode.

Thanks for this post Dirty Bird. Like others have said, ive read posts, the manual etc etc but you have explained it so much better.
Now if i have understood your post and for simple flying all we really need is 4 main positions set up on the S1 and S2 switches.

In Naza -M mode, S1 upper most same as normal straight out of the box GPS mode? S1 lowest position, return to home/failsafe?
Naza-M mode S2 upper position normal flight? S2 Lowerst position, IOC, bring the bird home regardless of the direction its facing by moving the right hand toggle down?
Does this sound right?
Re: Ground Station With Waypoints.

I just found one of the best videos EVER for this! This guy does an awesome job of walking your through both software sets and how to set your Vision Plus up and he explains and shows you how to do it. Now, this is a true video tutorial done right. With the help of Dirty Bird and videos like these it takes all the reading and guess work out. Its folks like these who are making this sport more user friendly for us beginners into the RC World. Please go and watch this video and share this video with and share this with anyone that may need help with the understanding and using the settings, this guy knows his stuff.
Re: Release DJI Ground Station for P2V+ Waypoints app 1.0.4

Does anyone know how to get into it or if for that matter it even exists? I would like to play with creating way points while not connected to the quads wifi.
Waypoint questions

Been flying the V1.1.1 since Christmas. Finally got enough nerve to ask wife for the P2V+, and now have one on order. Should be here within a week or so.

In the meantime, I'm trying to learn as much about the ground station/waypoint (WP) feature set as possible. I've installed the app, but without a V+ to connect to, my testing is pretty limited. I haven't been able to find any threads that address my specific questions, so I figured I'd drop them here...

1) Can "time at a WP" be set? In other words, can the user define how long the MC will stay at a given WP before it proceeds to the next? Or does it immediately head to the next one as soon as it gets to one?

2) Can the direction of the MC be defined en route to and once at the WP? For example, if I have it traveling to the far end of my property, as it goes due north, have it facing south (i.e. flying backwards) - or when it gets there, have it lock in a certain direction?

3) Once programmed with a set of WP, and the routine is initiated, is communication with the transmitter still required? That is, can the MC execute the flight pattern even if it's lost communication (either FPV or control) with the transmitter?

TIA for any answers to these questions...
Re: Waypoint questions

1) No. Fixed 3 seconds hover, and manually pause
2) No. You cannot fly backwards
3) No. P2V flies autonomously

...and you cannot save waypoints or mission for future use.
...and max distance from home location 500 m
...and max total mission lenght 5000 m
Ground station needs more...

Am I the only one here or does ground station seem so clipped back it is more of a novelty than a tool? Don't get me wrong it is pretty awesome to watch the quad lift up and fly a programmed course but wouldn't it be 1000 times better if we could do that and control the yaw and the camera? And if you threw in being able to set the time you are at each way point THEN it would be soooooo much more useful.
I know there would be a lot of things I would love to see in the app but if just that was added it would be an enormous jump in usefulness.
Re: Waypoint questions

Thanks for preempting my next set of questions ;) Actually the last two I read in their press release. Didn't know you couldn't save them. Oh well - still a nice feature set nonetheless.
Re: Ground station needs more...

Sorry, I can really help or comment. From what I can tell from my readings, I don't think I would have any use for the ground station and way points feature. I haven't even switched my PV2+ to NAZA mode yet. However, the things you've said do sound reasonable and practical.

Hopefully you will get some opinions and other suggestions to your questions.
Re: Waypoint questions

I am going through the same question and answer on the waypoints. I just realized that when setting first waypoint make certain that you have plenty of take of space as the phantom will not ascend first to the predetermined height as it will ascend as it flies to first waypoint. Basically if there are obstructions between you and your first waypoint this will end tragically. I was told that if I needed to gain initial height to avoid trees or whatever is to set my first waypoint right on top of home position or just a few feet in front of me so that the phantom will then ascend to a safe altitude before carrying on to the remaining waypoints. I love the fact that you can control camera tilt but you cannot control yaw (pan) in order to rotate the camera as no stick input is aloud while in this mode. Being able to pause the mission at each waypoint will be really helpful while taking photos or identifying objects but not being able to pan is something I wish we could do. I also love having an instant Return To Home icon right on the screen is really nice. Overall I see myself using this feature a lot as I will be using this to asses our hunting leases, deer bedding areas and while doing deer inventory during evening feeding times. I am also a deputy sheriff and a paramedic and I will also be using this for search and rescue as we live in a very rural area and often have lost/missing children as well as Alzheimer patients. Utilizing the waypoint feature will allow me to respond to the last know location of the subject and set up to 15 waypoints and fly these in the slow mode. I can literally cover acres upon acres ten times faster than the ground crews can. We do have access to helicopters for this but it can take several hours to obtain approval and if the weather is not picture perfect they won't fly. Its not a substitute for a real helicopter but having an eye in the sky in the first few hours is critical especially during periods of extreme cold or heat.
Re: Ground station needs more...

The free version is more than a novelty in that it whets your appetite to go out and buy the full version and needed hardware (that will allow you to have full GS for the Vision, as others have posted doing with the Vision) and ..... it motivates you to use the updated Assistant version that has the flight restrictions.

To just give away what others paid for would probably not be fair to those that paid for the full version ..... and (more importantly) wouldn't further line DJI pockets. ;)

But I agree, it's pretty lame for a 'flying camera' and will remain so until clever people find clever ways to use it, that are beyond the limits of the free version.

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