R/C range improvements worthy?

Jul 7, 2017
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Newbee drone pilot here. Just ordered my 1st Phantom 4 Pro today and will have to wait an extra week for the range extender modification to be preformed by (due to forum rules, maybe I shouldn't say). Are these range extender modifications worth the $300-$400 the drone web stores are promoting?
Newbee drone pilot here. Just ordered my 1st Phantom 4 Pro today and will have to wait an extra week for the range extender modification to be preformed by (due to forum rules, maybe I shouldn't say). Are these range extender modifications worth the $300-$400 the drone web stores are promoting?
Hard to comment without any detail of what the modifications might be.
Search Results for Query: FireBridge | DJI Phantom Drone Forum

The Phantom4 can benefit from a used Inspire 1 controller, GL658A or GL658C. You can usually find those used on ebay for $200-$300. You'll get much better range and signal integrity in the US (not Europe). Here's some data that shows why, if you haven't see that before.

If you buy a Firebridge upgrade, we're all curious what it consists of. DW claims two internal amps, but I've tried that and there's not enough room. I could only get one small 2W amp inside. Most people don't think DroneWorld is very reputable, given their high prices and "hard to believe" claims. I live only a mile from their headquarters but they won't allow walk-ins to discuss their stuff, which is a red flag for me. They won't even answer my emails. Something fishy going on there, so I have stayed away even though they are located in my home town.
The Phantom4 can benefit from a used Inspire 1 controller, GL658A or GL658C. You can usually find those used on ebay for $200-$300. You'll get much better range and signal integrity in the US (not Europe).
Not really relevant to the OP as the P4 pro isn't compatible with P4 controllers.
Why not try your P4 pro out before wasting money on badass "upgrades".
For the same reason I upgrade to the better tequila when I order a margarita. I can afford it and want the best (within reason).

All too often, interference is an unknown factor until it is too late and I wouldn't want to lose my new drone. I'm looking for someone that may know from experience whether or not my purchase for an extended range controller was a smart one. If your comment about "smart marketing to susceptible people" was from personal experience then, I thank you for your input. But I suspect your smug comment has little basis of any personal knowledge.

steve langford, I will dismantle my R/C first thing when I receive my package and let you and this forum know what I find inside. I will try to find and compare reception with a P4P stock R/C and reply back to this thread. Thank you all for your comments.
For the same reason I upgrade to the better tequila when I order a margarita. I can afford it and want the best (within reason). .
There's a whole industry catering for people who "want the best" (even if they have no idea what that is).
I suspect your smug comment has little basis of any personal knowledge.
My comment was based on a wealth of personal knowledge flying Phantoms much further than you ever will and helping hundreds of beginner flyers.
Good luck with your acquisition.
Try learning a bit about it before flying.
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Personally I would have tested the stock setup in the first instance to see what range and performance issues, if any, you may encounter. My boosted P4 setup will still get smoked by an unmodified P4P and looking at the piles of threads suggests that you probably would not have had too many challenges straight out of the box.
As for Meta4's comments and suggestions, he has helped many people, including myself, in making better informed decisions. You may want to look at his aerial portfolio at the bottom of his posts to get a better understanding of where his abilities lay.
Good luck with your range mods.
It sounds like your "wealth of personal knowledge flying Phantoms" doesn't include utilizing any extended range controllers or you might have commented differently.

While you may have flown your little Phantoms far and wide in the last few years, I think with my own 27,000 + hours and 35 years of flying real Air Transport aircraft as an FAA licensed ATP commercial airline pilot, my ""wealth of personal knowledge flying" will guide me just fine flying the Phantom 4 Pro.
Hwy BubbleButt, I too pay extra for top shelf tequila. Do you have a favorite?
Hwy BubbleButt, I too pay extra for top shelf tequila. Do you have a favorite?

FlashBuddy, after the first few their all good but my favs are Patron Silver (or Patron Platinum if someone else is buying) or my 2nd best and more readily found is 1800. I limit my drinking to the occasional margarita at fine restaurants while dining out with the wife. Mostly it's having a cold beer with my neighbor after mowing our lawns. It's all good. I hope to get my neighbor hooked on flying as he nears retirement.

To get this post back on topic, I have contacted Drone World and stopped the R/C upgrade requesting they send a stock unit instead. Thanks for all the help guys.

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