Quick questions on ipad GS


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey. UK
Hi, i'm looking at getting GS for ipad for my p2z.

Can you setup a multi-waypoint flight including taking off and returning home and landing?

In all the vids I have watched they either manually hit return home on ipad, then hit land on ipad, or take control with the controller and land. Can I setup the whole flight including takeoff/landing, hit go and not touch the ipad again until after it has landed back at the home point? Is there a vid of setting up this mission on the ipad anywhere? specifically including the take off and landing bits.

If you pause the mission and hit land, will it land where it is or come home and land?

Also, looking at setting waypoints videos , it always appears to loop back to the first waypoint from the last, like its going to do another lap. Can you set it to do just one lap? Can you set it to do a specified number of laps? Can you set it to keep doing laps?

Many thanks for any help.
Im using the PC version so im not sure its the same. I have to hit buttons to take off and land. Dont know about pause and land. I think pause just gets you keyboard/joystick navigation. I just flick to att and back to gps to get control back.

The default is continuous loop but I always set to single journey. No you can't set it to do set number of laps. Yes the default is continous until you stop.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 8
Thanks. So no fully autonomous flights using pc GS.

I really wished the pc version wasn't so terrible. With good proper english instructions it wouldn't be so bad but this doesn't seem to be dji's strongpoint. I thought someone mentioned a while back they they were working on a better pc version but I cant find any info on this.

Anyone with the ipad version care to chip in on my original questions?
MrC said:
Thanks. So no fully autonomous flights using pc GS.

I really wished the pc version wasn't so terrible. With good proper english instructions it wouldn't be so bad but this doesn't seem to be dji's strongpoint. I thought someone mentioned a while back they they were working on a better pc version but I cant find any info on this.

Anyone with the ipad version care to chip in on my original questions?
Yes you can do all of those things with the iPad GS except repeat waypoints an x number of times. You can set to either repeat continuously run waypoints or run one lap. You can do auto-takeoff, run some waypoints and then land automatically. Not sure if that could be done repeatedly though? Since any waypoint can be set to 0 meters it would stand to reason that the landing can also be done automatically but I am not sure if the motors continue to run after it lands? That would be cool if possible so you could do multiple take-off and landings? :)
There is a theoretical way to set laps. You can find the time estimate for 1 lap and set twice that amount as the mission time. It is not exactly optimal but does functionally that
Andersonpaac: do you mean to say that we can set the mission time rather than setting the flight speed? I wasn't aware of that! Where is this setting change done?
GearLoose said:
Andersonpaac: do you mean to say that we can set the mission time rather than setting the flight speed? I wasn't aware of that! Where is this setting change done?

Mission time is a very useful parameter for (i) Loops (ii) To avoid critical battery at long range. You can set Mission time before hitting go. It should be a default of 16 hours or so on the iPad version. The PC version also has this parameter and is set to some very large number 64xxxx and is in seconds. Remember to use this to get loops working!

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