Questions from a newbie, and where to buy online?

Feb 20, 2014
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Hi everyone,

After some thinking, I am near ready to purchase my first phantom. After researching my options, I think I want to go with the Phantom 2 with the h3-2d gimbal and a gopro3 black. I would also like to consider adding a FPV setup after purchase, if not in conjunction with my purchase. I am a professional landscaper and I think this would add a whole new element to showcasing some of my completed projects. I would also consider doing some aerial photography once the legal issues get ironed out in what looks to be 2015.

So here are my questions:

1. Is the above setup overkill for a new hobbyist who has some interest in taking things to the next level if possible? I see a lot of listings for the original phantom online where the reason for sale is due to the owner upgrading to the phantom 2. If I can jump into the phantom 2 and skip the upgrade step, I would like to. Resale value seems to be decent as well if things dont go according to plan.

2. I have read their are some issues with FPV if you are not using the Vision model. It seems to boil down to buying your own screen as well as a transmitter to attach on the Phantom. Is this all their is to it?

3. This may be a stupid question, but when they state that the Phantom operates over WiFi, is that referring strictly to the type of transmission standard? Or does that mean there is a need to have a Wifi internet connection in the area to work?

4. Where is the best place to buy something like this? I see independent sellers offering the above package on amazon for around $1300, but I also have seen listings on sites that cater more towards the RC and aerial flight hobbyist. Unfortunately there is no dealer near me that carries this (NE Ohio). Is buying used a viable option? These seem to be prone to abuse, which scares me when talking about the used market for these.

5. Have any other tips or advice? I am not dead set on one yet so there is still time to scare me away from the hobby. Haha.

Thanks guys
its not overkill at all. Its pretty normal. I have the P1, the P2 and the vision. I prefer the P2.

FPV is easy on the P2. If you can solder, you are fine. If you can't solder, buy a soldering iron and watch a youtube video, its that easy. You connect a transmitter to the phantom and you have a monitor/receiver on the controller. I suggest getting it all from and would get the following: Immersionrc 5.8ghz 600mw transmitter (it does audio and video but you only need it to send video), immersionrc SMA spironet antennas, Black pearl 7" screen, charger for the black pearl, spironet patch antenna, and 2 RP-SMA male to SMA female right angle adapter (i think you need two, can't remember if its one or two). This setup will not cause any issues with the Phantom 2

The Phantom 2 doesn't operate over wifi. The vision has a wifi connection with the camera and the iPhone but I wouldn't get the vision so no need to worry about that.

Get the FPV from range and get the Phantom 2 from B&H Photo online.

Its really easy to fly and to use. Just go and read the manual for the Phantom 2 from cover to cover. Many people make small mistakes that end in crashes because they didn't follow directions. Don't be one of them. Read the directions and then go fly.
I purchased mine, vision 2 with zenmuse from,
They have been helpful with questions etc.
I have been purchasing photo equipment from B&H for over 20years.
If you have problems with your machine, its nice to able to contact a flier
and not a camera salesman. My 2 cents.
Nothing bad about B&H they are a great photo company.
B&H photo out of NY $869 P2&H3 . I bet if you call them they will hook you up with a deal adding a GoPro to the P2/gimbal deal . Good people to talk to .
Thanks for the great responses guys. I think going with an authorized dealer is the way to go. I don't know if fakes are a problem when it comes to these phantoms, but I have already noticed some packages shipping from Hong Kong on ebay and other sellers on amazon claimed they are an "authorized dealer" when there is no record of them on the DJI website.

I have another question that I thought of as well. I have been reading that using a GoPro for stills leaves something to be desired of the photo quality. For those of you with a GoPro setup: Just how bad is the photo quality when taking still photos with the GoPro? I am not expecting top rate, professional quality shots, but are they at least passable as decent digital shots? If anyone had some sample shots they wouldn't mind posting or linking to I would really be interested to see what can be accomplished with the GoPro. Since I would like to use this to take shots of my landscape work I would like the pictures to be fairly decent if I am going to be showing them off to potential customers.

Thanks again for all the help thus far!

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